(FitPics/ WAYWT) of Other Brands
Cold and bright here. Tonight will be in the negative digits with the expectation of 9"-12" of snow. Good sledding weather!
Buzz Rickson N1 ( possibly my favorite non-IH buy of last year)
Filson gloves
FH chambray western
MF cuff
Trophy narrows
Redwing Wabasha -
I fully support our wonderful Navy!
Everybody wants to dress like a Sailor. Who can blame you
When it's cold and wet, who has better gear?
Gotta move on to something new after dressing like a 1930s factory worker loses its charm.
Military gear rules. Understated and functional (and cheap, except for the brands we pay a premium for here, particularly for surplus versus repro). I've worn it my whole life, combat boots, fatigues (cut offs or otherwise), M-65s, boonie hats, flak jackets…
Zach dresses like
semensea man :o -
Better in a metal tube than a metal tube in you, I always say…
Here you go
I also posted this in the Dehen thread. http://www.ironheart.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=5547.0