Random Announcements
^That is sick, never owned a tie dye. The Vermont crunchy in me always wanted one.
Thanks gents, I love tie dyes too. This is my favorite of the two I currently own, both created by my favorite tie dyer. His technique is so identifiable that I've approached–and been approached by--other fans of his: "Did you get that shirt from a guy named Tie Dye Paul?" He and his wife do really fine sewing techniques adopted from around the world, so they get a lot of detail that I haven't seen other artisans replicate.
Damn G!!!
Wearing MBB & IHD-01od through security seems to almost always earns me a solid pat down at the airport.
-37C with the wind here in Toronto and I managed the 30 minute walk to work without long underwear beneath my 666-XHS. I love 25 oz denim.
And, I resolve to wash my jeans more often in 2014.
I could have taken the easy route and taken off the shirt rather than snapping it up tight, but ah.
Chest pockets and cuffs. Like they had never seen cuffed jeans before. Can't complain as they keep us relatively safe.
Wifi on planes kicks ass btw
100% cocoa. Is this pressed cocoa? I love 80%+ but this was a first.
Tastes really good. But, a bit of sweetness would be welcome. Still, a great way to get cocoa into your system sans carbs.
I could have taken the easy route and taken off the shirt rather than snapping it up tight, but ah.
…Can't complainSounds like you got the rubdown you were looking for
100%!! Way too dark for me. ~70% is my limit. You like it though?
Same for me. I had some 98% and it was just too bitter.
Yeah I like it but only in small doses. And there mainly on texture, not flavor.
Just had some 85%, good shit.
Cheers (bitch)