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My girlfriend quit a little while back and did it exactly as your brother is doing… Cold Turky, all I did was constantly tell her how chuffed I was with her and how well she was doing, she had attempted quitting a few times previously but the last time felt different, she REALLY WANTED to quit that final time and I think that's key....
Not sure if that was any help or not. Best of luck to your brother, hope he's successful!
yessir goodluck to brother Seul. I smoked heavily for 17 years and quited from one to the other day turkey style, good luck. get him into a nice hobby like denim or so
in the first maybe two years of staying clean I tried to avoid smoker clubs etc. Nowadays its not a problem at all anymore and life is a lot fresher than back then.
but as Jord666 pointed out, you really want to do it, thats all you need -
Amen to that buddy
I did cold turkey starting 2/2/2002. I smoked Newport shorts like it was going out of style. The very thought sickens me now….
i can count on my hand the amount of white folks i know that smoked/smoke menthol cigs.
how the hell you got turned on to that 'clain?
i can count on my hand the amount of white folks i know that smoked/smoke menthol cigs.
how the hell you got turned on to that 'clain?
And one Asian. Smoked Newports for about 20 years
you don't count dougie, you the only asian i have ever known into guns & violence while having a legit gig.
they broke the mold with your crazy azz.
I need to quit. I am super addicted to nicotine. My wife never smokes, but she can have one or two on the weekend when she drinks. I envy her for this. Told myself I would quit at 30…... Well,I'll be 32 soon, and I'm about to go stand out in freezing cold weather to Feed my addiction. They are the devil!!
I'm not really sure MM, a lot of the folks I ran with (black and white) burned Newports. I can't even imagine why I liked the flavor, thinking about it makes me retch. I smoked Kool Mild Kings prior to that and Lucky Strike unfiltereds prior to that. Maybe I was trying to kill myself, other habits of that stage of my life kind of support that hypothesis
I'll tell you one thing, it's the cheapest one to smoke (ain't nobody trying to bum a Newport….)
My dad started smoking when he was 8. My entire childhood he did ±2 packs a day. Finally quit when he was around 60. Never too late, as long as you have the will.
i smoked a pack a day for years….quit cold turkey one day. the key, as I told my friends, is that i didnt try to quit. I just woke up and quit. If you don't really want to quit...it will never work.
I quit back in 2011. Past few months I've had some smokes....bachelor party.....then wedding.....then when i got drunk one night.....then when I was just drinking. I'm keeping an eye on it, I don't mind having a smoke when I drink, but I worry about my addictive personality.
Well I'll keep you guys posted… He's on his third day now... His Cranky-Little-Bitch Lvl is now at about 2 (out of 10)... And I only brought it up to 2 as he didn't wave back at me at 7 am this morning as he left for work... In all fairness: had he done that to me, I would've knocked his block of...
i can count on my hand the amount of white folks i know that smoked/smoke menthol cigs.Add another one to your list, madman. I smoked Benson & Hedges Menthols for a few years. I constantly had clerks telling me I was the youngest person to buy them by 30 or 40 years; which told me I was on to something. Haven't had a cigarette in nearly four years now, though.
I constantly had clerks telling me I was the youngest person to buy them by 30 or 40 years; which told me I was on to something.