Triple Works - The New Jeans World Tour
Eagles have landed!
More to come obviously.
Yeah I love them. Couldn't wear tonight to the NYE part which would have had good photo ops though; it's sooooo cold.
Awesome mclaincausey!
Did you get the Card Holder I made for you?
Yes! Love it, I posted it elsewhere thanks so much! A single piece of leather and two rivets, it's a brilliant piece.
It finally warmed up enough to wear these.
Downright balmy. This weekend it hits the 30s Fahrenheit. I'll likely be wearing these to a Johnny Cash deal but I may have to do the man in black deal. May ski in them too.
A single cuff leaves a lot of stack but I'm "rolling" with it.
Don't want to obscure the roping we've developed you know. Wearing the 07 and the Smokejumpers. An IH kind of day.
Slub-wear detail.
I'm digging out my shorts!
Apologies folks I will have more interesting pics soon. It's been so cold I've been wearing the Heavy.
The denim is gorgeous, has a nice hand, and feels/drapes well.
Check out the leg twist. The outseam is on the front:
Went for a morning stroll. I live near an access point to this massive paved network of bike and running trails that goes through a bunch of gorgeous wooded areas and around a chain of lakes. This network allows easy bike access to various neighborhoods and cities.
I took a rest before my stroll. We have a few mountains of snow in our parking lots.
This trail leads from the cul de sac I live on. It heads to a footbridge that goes over a valley that has a train track and the jogging and bike tracks I mentioned. These are well maintained. Paved, lighted, and snow plowed.
Panorama from East looking downtown to West.
East. The downtown skyscrapers you see are about 4 miles away.
West. You can go for miles and Miles this way, or for that matter east.
This is me facing west.
And east looking downtown.
Looking east again, watching the sun come up.
Some leftovers from playing in the snow.
Heading out to lunch. It's warmed up enough for the A-2.
Heading to the USVI.
Dat roping.
What a trip.
Feck-you money superyachts. The 80m Chopi Chopi is harbored in there somewhere.
Trunk Bay, St. John
Last breakfast
Ready to roll.
Folks, who is next? I'm not sure how long each tour stop is supposed to be, and I can/will do some more local sightseeing in these, but I feel like I should start getting ready to move em along.
They are a 33W pant and fit as such.