Reddit - Ask me Anything (AMA)
It will be a ton of work, no question, and I suspect there will be lingering work after the AMA (new forum members and sales/sales inquiries perhaps!). I'm not sure how I could help, but if you think of something I can help with let me know.
Ah, also I think they will "sticky" the AMA in the rawdenim subreddit, I'd try to make sure they do. They did it with Kyle from TFH's AMA so why not?
I knew they would, so happy to hear that!
It will be a ton of work, no question, and I suspect there will be lingering work after the AMA (new forum members and sales/sales inquiries perhaps!). I'm not sure how I could help, but if you think of something I can help with let me know.
Thanks mcl, not sure either. I'll probably think of a million things I need help with, too late…..
I don't see any harm send out a message on FB/Twitter before the AMA letting all know it's happening. A bit like letting us know here.
The AMA is a bit like Uncle Giles arranging a lovely evening of stories around the campfire, filled with audience participation and co-creation. Many will enjoy turning up just to heard (in this case read) how it transpires. Forums are a little less times/dates/reply expectations uncertain.
I'm just going to keep asking about when Spring 14 products will be released. I think I know the answer already…
Ah, here's the announcement, pinned to the rawdenim subreddit. I can tell the moderator is very excited by his comments, this is terrific.
This is a correct assumption, and membership isn't required in order to do so. I or someone else will undoubtedly post a link to the AMA when it is live.
i might peek in on my lunch hour at work…
so pumped about this! my 2 denim families coming together
Here we go:
What a surprise cone of questions.
And so many answers:
"With most denims we weave, we lose a known percentage to 2nd and 3rd quality. With our 25oz, we lose a completely unknown percentage, it varies between 15% and 75%. Because the denim is so tough, the looms sometimes (and we still don't know exactly why) just grind to a halt. When we restart, the next 1" of denim is junk, as the loom is getting up to speed. If we get junk every 2 feet, we can't make a single pair of jeans out of that bolt….
Every single inch of our denim is viewed by a QC person as it is drawn over a strong light source, this allows us to see any imperfections in the weave. Unfortunately the operatives are human and sometimes miss a fault, this section of denim then gets made into a pair of jeans and obviously they have a fault in them. We do normally spot these lemons when QCing in Hachioji before labels are applied, but even the people in QC Hachioji are human and so occasionally miss one of these faults.
I reckon in the 8 years I have been working with Haraki, I have seen 20 pairs of bad jeans……"Hats off to you.