What's your favorite Beer?
Favourite for the summer is driftwood farmhand saison
For winter central city red racer ipa.Both brewed on vancouver island *edit, central city is on the mainland
When I'm in the states I like being able to get dogfish head 90min ipa , the rogue first growth series beers ( which never disappoint) and the stone beers mentioned in the last couple pages.
For winter a Baron is good but a bit sweet ( Czech ) , or porters . Here in Jpn , there
is a zero tolerance for D & D . So you cannot have a sip of a bevy and drive .Keeps it easy , no grey zone just - drive don't drink , drink don't drive .
I need Geuze, alas I am Geuze-less
Pay day is coming soon though
First time trying this, very very impressive.
Latest delivery from Poirot Van Damme arrived, the man at the post office doesn't think he likes me much…
Plus it was sent in a drain cleaner box!
Although the contents look quite good.
The BIG boys.
Nice Seul!!!
I thoroughly enjoyed that one G…
and for anyone that may be interested, I'll be getting and six pack or two of Bell's Hopslam on Friday. I'd be more than happy to spread the love and send a bottle or two of what I end up getting to anyone that might want some. All I'd ask is for some beer/cider/random interesting piece of junk in return...
HopSlam! is legendary, almost as good as Pliny the Elder and 3 Floyds Dreadnaught.