Unpopular opinions
You're just saying that because Superman is on there and you're trying to get a rise out of Megadome.
I approve this tactic.
Oh, AFTER LRP, sorry…
Button down collars. Hate em.
^this. Put another snap dammit, not a button
Giles interpreted my ignorant rant accurately. But snaps all the way up don't bother me either. Then again, I'm unlikely to fasten the top 3 anyway. I need the jungle of chest hair to get maximal exposure. That's why I go for the deep V.
^this. Put another snap dammit, not a button
The top closure on the IHSH-56 is a snap, not a button. Get one of those.
this thread shows how full of ourselves & self absorbed folks can be. despite not hacking each other to bits on the morning drive we are some savage mofos . . . and about the funniest sh!t too.
bertoni i would love to hear more on your internet music theory
I echo MadMonday , how is the interwebs killing music ? I thought American Idol
and shows of that style - are killing music.Here's a book that is about fall of the music industry :
See if your local library has it .
The internet is killing music.
Disagree though once upon a time I would have whole heatedly concurred. The internet and apps like Spotify in particular are liberating music. The choice of course is endless but it always was. Audiophiles have contributed to record sales year on year of vinyl. Perhaps the sound quality is diminishing. My Rotel CD player sees no action and mp3s are not on a par with CDs or vinyl in terms of audio reproduction but vinyl has never been improved upon in terms of sonic depth. Shitty production however is killing music. Auto tune is bumfucking the shit out of it. Levels right up and super compressed sound is a complete travesty but the tunes and bands I like know the value of the sound engineer and production "artist."
Children and teenagers are killing music.
I hate cats.
I find babies all look the same.
Old people who go into Post Offices at the weekend should be beaten.
Now you're just starting to sound like me…
Old people should be shot. Babies should be drowned in wells. Cats, however, are the best animals cause they give minus ten fucks... People who have cats and think they love them are dumb sods.
Oh: and all small dogs should be fed to tigers.
Ok Monday. For you
Music is everywhere, maybe more-so than ever before. No need for A&Rs, today we have Youtube, that's gotta be GOOD news no? In part yes. What is damaging the music "industry" is the fact that our relationship to that music has changed. We now consume music like we do everything else. We download a track, Ipod shuffle it for a while and forget it. Not so long ago we (well some of us) would search for that elusive album (who buys those anymore?), and once found would treasure it, listen to it again and again, come to love it. The most perennial favourites of mine took time for me to love them (bit like the missus!) but that love is everlasting. A love borne of patience and investment. For artists the fallout is potentially fatal. Why buy (and enable artists to live from their trade) when you can download?
Also, for me, music has always been a motor, or soundtrack for change. A means for the youth to vent their anger. Are today's youth simply happy with their lot/world? The seventies had Punk/Disco, the eighties rap, acid house, the nineties house and rave….and the noughties? -
Also, for me, music has always been a motor, or soundtrack for change. A means for the youth to vent their anger. Are today's youth simply happy with their lot/world? The seventies had Punk/Disco, the eighties rap, acid house, the nineties house and rave….and the noughties?
I know your reply is directed at Monday but anyway….the above I can get with. Had actually considered tacking something similar onto my earlier post.
For me no A&R men is a good thing. No looking for the "next"anything. No pre conceived ideas of what will sell sell sell and looking for the round peg in the square hole. I accept that music is now consumed but that doesn't mean it's devalued it in the eyes of music lovers. Things have become much more democratic, more about the spark of creativity than the business plan. Anyone can now make music at home so a tune can be written, recorded and up on the internet in a day. That's very much part of what the punk ethos was about - three chords, lash them together and play the fucking thing. We're all partly the sum of our influences and the more we're exposed to the better we become, the more we're inspired or influenced. There will always be bad music but there will always be music for the music lovers. Personally, there are some tunes that are considered classics that I would have preferred if they had been consumed by something and ejected out the other end.
In the end everything changes and what you do and what you listen to, for example, is a choice you make. Just because a movement or a technological seismic shift in how music is radicalised in terms of how it's made available doesn't mean your personal shit filter cannot still discern. I will always prefer a world where the likelihood of an 80 million five album record deal for the Robbie Williams of this world is diminished.
Yeah, the internet has democratized music and empowered musicians. Record companies and corporate radio are no longer the sole route to discovery for fans. So I'd say the exact opposite is true. If something is killing music it's something else. Like society imploding in general.
Opinion: aisle seats are lame. Only thing lamer is a middle seat. I wanna lean against the fuselage while I sleep and to not be awoken by the old chap with the enlarged prostate. Since I'm a piss camel I'm not worried about getting out. But come time to leave the plane that isle asshole better be ready.
Opinion: aisle seats are lame. Only thing lamer is a middle seat. I wanna lean against the fuselage while I sleep and to not be awoken by the old chap with the enlarged prostate. Since I'm a piss camel I'm not worried about getting out. But come time to leave the plane that isle asshole better be ready.
You must be my long lost twin. I feckin hate aisle seats. I can easily do a transatlantic flight with no piss. I sit down, put my earphones in, have too much to drink and ignore everyone (including Paula)….The first time we flew long haul together she thought she had done something to piss me off, now she just takes the piss and tries to make me reluctantly interact with her and other human beings.....