Unpopular opinions
Swayze was cool. And just as a random fact- he grew up in the neighborhood where I now live.
how can you mention patrick & not mention demi or whoopie? is that how u spell whoopie?
oh & Mega just read your post (reply 1320) & have to say you are one of the most "complete" internet people i've "known" from your "quirks" to your "dislikes & backstory/history"
it actually creeps me out when i start thinking about the things i know about you, hahahahaha
i hate people who use " "'s & i think corporal punishment should be used for everything
It's seems a bit harsh to celebrate a death due to a victimless crime. If you've ever seen addiction work its dark magic on a loved one it's difficult to be so dismissive and hard hearted about it. Particularly if you're a fan of rock and roll or jazz with all the wasted promise in those fields it seems an odd take.
I also think it's presumptuous to assume folks are "false mourning" someone. Who knows what's going though someone else's head but they? I for one have not said anything about the guy's death and I agree about being desensitized to such things. I even got a little annoyed with all the stuff in my news feed. But I never assumed my friends were saying these things to be cool. I assumed they were sad that someone whom they admired is now gone.
counsel i'm not mad & i'm glad it was discussed in camera, hahahahahaha
Get used to this avatar. I committed to using it until 2015…
Oh, and the deletions were because you give good advice, madman.
Live where I live and you cannot call drug abuse/ addiction victimless. From this mornings local news alone….
26 year old woman attacked for the contents of her handbag in an area known as a junkie hang out.
Body found in abandoned garage known as a junkie hangout.
Playground closed for refurbishment due to repeated complaints about syringes being found.
My love of rock n roll does not and never has equated to condoning, glorifying or even sympathising with drug addiction. Drugs are a choice, not a random disease I have taken them myself and I was a fucking idiot.
And the amount of people pouring out their hearts on social media about the death PSH.....I'm pretty sure that they weren't all touched by his genius, I'm pretty sure some if not most of them were getting a ghoulish pleasure from jumping all over the celebrity death bandwagon.
Apologies if presuming someones motives is something I do, I guess I'm human and not some all knowing morally perfect, erudite super being. Must try harder
Jor-El & Larra Lor-Van would approve
Live where I live and you cannot call drug abuse/ addiction victimless.
Sure you can. Blaming drug abuse for that mugging is like blaming poverty for a liquor store robbery, or libido for prostitution. Related, but distinct.
I'm guessing PSH didn't mug anyone to support his habit, who was his victim?
Not condoning or even excusing drug use, I just disagree with celebrating the destruction it creates. (I certainly didn't cheer when Layne Staley died…) Perhaps that's an unpopular opinion.
Here's another: as long as you aren't infringing on someone else's freedoms, do what thou wilt. Personal agency, autonomy, and sovereignty grant us the right to make both good and bad personal decisions and to bear the consequences of those choices.
Anyway, I'll ignore his insult and offer that I think Chris may have meant the Righteous and not the Everly Brothers.
Thx Gav for that. i grew up in places where it was 'normal' seeing junkies hitting their gear up everyday, even when you sat in the baths as a 12 year old we were always on the look out not getting stabbed by a needle or walk on an needle lying around, which might be infected. I wrote about it in another thread about Zürich platzspitz followed by letten. Being affected by a death in the closer Family circle due to the result of abusing H and people in my nearer circle of other hard stuff its certainly not victimless. Behind every Death or ones sufferings are people suffering too from it
Could of swore I just read about the Righteous Everly Brothers dissin Star Wars whilst pissing on the Beatles albums in the midst of being unsure of whether to mourn PSH because their brains were victims of a smack habit that seemed to cause controversy! Is was it all just here say and propaganda? I'll ask my denim.
Sorry to hear some of your backgrounds above.
Unpopular opinion: I like the majority of women drivers….....cause I've got all the feckin time in the world o'feckn course!
Honestly, on the drugs and celebrity deaths issues I am never going to agree with you Mclaine, and I'm guessing that is just down to our personal views on the issues. In the interests of forum status quo I'm backing out of this debate.
David, I'm sorry for your experiences and loss.
Yeah that's the last I was going to say about it anyway; sorry if I offended, I overreacted because addiction has taken a lot of people from me.
While I appreciate their place in history and their influence on bands that don't, the Ramones suuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
Yeah that's the last I was going to say about it anyway; sorry if I offended, I overreacted because addiction has taken a lot of people from me.
I can sympathise here Mclain….experienced both drugs and the losses...lost a fair few friends to Heroin along the way. Often those who struggled to fit in or find their place in a society such as ours. Despite these painful losses, I seriously advocate the wholesale legalisation of drugs, a position supported by a number of drug charities in the UK. An opinion infamously espoused by Judge Pickles here in England during the 90s. An unpopular opinion but hey, that's the name of the game here right? Recall a Guardian series of reports about Heroin...dispelled a great many myths. For example, 100% pure smack is no more or less harmful than sugar for the human organism.
I kind of like it when there's a new post in the Villains thread.