DJ Shadow - Six Days
Bomb dot com
That song is great! And i like Organ Donor as well.
i don't see why this wouldn't be cool, but if it is feel free to delete. i'm a huge music nerd/fan. almost constantly have something playing via car stereo, ipod, etc.
so the question is simple. what records are you currently listening to? feel free to include links if you feel it's a lesser known artist or there's a cool video or something that you know of. i like lists, so i'm just going to list three…
1. titus andronicus - the monitor : seriously my new (read-current) favorite band. everything about this record is awesome, in my opinion. and the mood is just right.
2. the gaslight anthem - american slang : another flawless record. this band takes a dash of the boss, motown, and punk, mixes it together, and puts out a great result. a good taste of a band doing something classic american sounds.
3. bruce springsteen and the e street band - born to run : forgive me for being on a serious jersey kick, but this record hasn't left my player in some time. pretty much anything you could ask for in a rock record. period.your turn!
Repetitive thread. I think "What is (are) your ALL-TIME-FAVORITE songs ?" should be renamed "Music" and this thread should be merged into it… Mod???
i honestly cannot get enough of this song… i've been a fan since i first heard it years ago and it has been plaguing me a lot recently.
DEP- I gotta admit, I've always loved that song, too.
Lately, I've been hung up on this song:
Really stoked about going to see them in Austin on the 27th.
Fav song for longer than i can remember… Underworld - Dirty Epic
this song & video are really effing me up right now:
Ohhh electric wizard, nice!
i've been a fan of Outkast since i can remember, and this is one of my top 5 fave songs of theirs.
Anything Outkast… ANYTIME!!!
Bad Brains - "Right Brigade" is probably my all time favorite song.
^^ I dig him… Junip has a new full length album almost out too!