Random Announcements
welcome back snow-man. missed you last week. will have a report in your inbox on all you missed in a few hours.
have i told you that you are my favorite aussie mod, hahahahahahaha
what you bring us back from China??
thanks matey. Heading to Japan for holiday this week so didn't bother shopping in China, added 16+ hr work days didn't really leave much room of/for it. Nearly picked up some of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sichuan_pepper considering how mental they were.
Those pepper are so (mind-) numblingly awesome.
Speaking of, I luv lucy lu even though some would say she's past her prime
I wouldn't say that. Her freckles are sexy.
+1000 ^^
One for the Yanks, would your state survive a zombie apocalypse?
Yeah so I think Missouri should be higher on the list. I mean with the amount of gang violence in St Louis alone, there is living proof that we have guns and can fire em…. At least fire them sideways.
Utah, just missed the top 10 at 11. Fuck yeah Laser tag (I guess).
It seems that here in Texas, our love of unhealthy food more than counterbalances our love of guns. Apparently, it's all about the cardio, folks.
Got the go-ahead from the wife to get a new pair of boots in the fall…as long as she gets the same amount of money to spend on herself. Seems fair....
Anyway....whites, bounty hunters, roughout, 6-7 inches, maybe a 2021 sole. That's as much as I've gotten.
This is how impressed an 8 year old looks when you make him get up washed and dressed at 7am on his birthday.
Love the kiss shirt! Very kool!
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Those pepper are so (mind-) numblingly awesome.
Yeah they're a great experience not something I'd do often tho