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Hahaha. Thats fuckin awesome Ohighyo
@natehate:id fuck her
Im right with you Nate….well maybe not WITH you but.....ahh fuck it RIGHT with you bro
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After watching my wife's little nephew for a few days while he is on sprint break, I have come to the conclusion I hate children. If my wife could push out a 18 year old at the hospital that jumped into a car and drove himself home, I think that would be for me. I just want to skip the first 18 years please.
I used to like children…
...until I got a couple of my own.
Julie made that decision; she asked my opinion, then went ahead and did it anyway.
They say that having children does not suit selfish people, well I'm a selfish person and …..wait.....where was I going with that
I dislike parents more frequently than I do kids.
You volunteering, Giles?
It's the ultimate act of selfishness to push your genome out there, particularly when there are 7 billion of us already. Not saying it's a bad thing to do, just saying that fulfilling our biological imperatives is selfish by definition.
Studying the package whilst the mailman was writing down my intel… First I saw the "Dwaas Teef", which translates roughly into "Fool Bitch"... Oh look: a halfhearted attempt of the Megadome to insult me in my own language...
But then I saw this at the bottom… I almost burst out laughing with my mailman next to me...
This roughly translates as "ugly cow with too much make up on"... Where the hell did you pick that up, Mega???