DC4 Berlin - premium Japanese denim
Any news on this?
No, nothing. At least nothing about the whereabouts of the goods
Do you know if the store's open again?
Good to hear. Might drop by the next weeks, if I find time.
Great to hear DC4 is open again
Forum member Pillowpants came across these on ebay and posted on the Items for Sale (discovered) thread for the attention of Giles.
It's hardly DC4 stock? Maybe you guys would know the numbers?
If these are genuine pics and not photoshopped of course.
G seems satisfied they're legit insofar as they can be validated as such….
The shop at Torstr. 95 is closed?
Sadly yes, and much missed.
It does. If have questions email Daniel (info@dc4.de)!
Enjoy ya addiction!
Perhaps I did something wrong (though I wouldn't know what, really) but I just tried to write an email to this address, and received an instant delivery failure report, telling me the address is invalid.
Pity, I would have much liked to get back in touch with Daniel this way.
If anyone has similar (or different!) experiences, any info would be welcome, possibly via PM if preferred. Thanks. -
I ve got an Email from Daniel last week from this address:
So it should still work!
Enjoy ya addiction!
Huge kudos and thanks to Daniel for an excellently done repair job! Several of my babies now ready to be worn again without indecent exposure.
One more reason to look forward to the new DC4 (or DC5… naw, I guess not..... A comeback I'm sure many anticipate.