Random Announcements
Upright position of the sausage is not mandatory
Congrats on being a new Uncle Max. What a cutie! Enjoy your vacation.
I just heard there was an earthquake in Japan. Hope everyone is safe.
I get to break my pattern of late
The new job is going great! I go out of state Monday for a 4 day training seminar, all expenses paid, and I like the folks I'm car pooling with a lot. Should be a blast! The Mrs and I are speaking, and slowly progressing. I have an idea that she's agreed to hear out when we meet up Sunday, that I think may get us started back in the right direction. Transmission issues turned out much less of a big deal than thought. All in all, a huge shift for the betterment of my sanity.
Glad to hear it JD, hope the trend continues
Hope everything works out well jdl.
Congrats on being a new Uncle Max. What a cutie! Enjoy your vacation.
Thank you! We'll continue to italy tomorrow and take a rest of 7 hours driving at my parent's house. Life is very good right now.
The little one is doing fine, though she is tiny. Just look at this:
They're not the kind of cheeseburger you'd expect. I'll snap a pic later on
It looks like this. We don't put it between a bun, just with some veggies on the side and some slices of bread.
Awright, jdl. A little endurance paid off. I hope this trend keeps on the up and up.
My thoughts exactly, way to be JDL.