IHF Game 2 - Spy Vs Spy
my guess. seul's the spy and his job is to make everyone think he's not…
either that or, cutlasshound's job is to make everyone think seul is the spy?
damn. this is messing with my head. every post seems so suspicious.
Ok, Cutlas is the spy and his mission is to have the most posts in this thread
Then Mega is the spy and just tells everyone they are wrong. Whatta dick
Seul ? Nothing that hasen't allready been said…
seawolf ? Realy don't think so…
summ3rhays ? No noticeable pattern, but maybe…
pillowPANTS --- Mission is to post in the spy V spy thread?
sabergirl ??
trail and arrow
Chris – Doesn’t seem to care about searching for the spy… Maybe because he is the spy?
louisbosco ? Amazing new boots, not much else…
Cutlasshound ? (If his mission isn’t to accuse Seul of being the spy, he’s not the spy…)
Snowy ? Nothing I can think of…
Anesthetistand that's all I have so far…
I like finding loopholes. Doesn't say the limits to the guesses, still doesn't mean I know the game, but at least a correct guess gets us 1/2 way there
Why do you assume Megatron will tell you who the spy is? My reading of the rules is that you have to guess the spy and the mission.
Aaaaand I think I've figured it out. But I'm not playing so I'll keep my internet mouth shut. Can't wait to see if I'm right.
That would be cheating.
If I can figure it out, anyone can. I'm an eedjit.
Just over 24 hours remaining, will the first spy remain undetected.
5 hours remain for the spy to avoid detection.
If this is the case then I will reveal who the spy is and what their mission was before putting a new spy into play
Time for those last minute guesses.
Sabergirl–-21 !'s
TAA- mission to not post in this thread at all.