Life Coach
well just remember what george best once said . he said i once gave up drinking and women it was the worst fifteen minutes of my life ….....................................
Smoking ends on August 9th. That is all.
Ha ha, can't say it entered my thinking but I'll take it. I go on holiday on that day so I just figured it best to stop on a week where I'll have other stuff to occupy my mind
Smoking ends on August 9th. That is all.
Thats great Gav
I quited smoking after 17years heavy smoking on 31 dec 2008 one day to the other half a year after i quited drinking alcohol from one day to the other. Since then nada mas.
I have not a problem when people drink or smoke in front of me though
Thanks guys, it's a weird thing but I go all day at work every day without even thinking about smoking. This tells me that my smoking is a psychological dependence, which is easier to deal with for me.
Quit day is today, I will read this thread for inspiration, decision is made.
^Congrats brother, best of luck with conquering that demon.
Good luck!
Did you try reading the Carr book again?
Thanks guys, no books, no patches, no e-cigs…..just not doing it any more
Gav, I smoked a pack a day for 10 years. I've also quit a thousand times…it's easy!
The only way that worked for me was to quit cold turkey and never touch nicotine again. No cigars, no ecigs, no hookah, no social smoking even one cigarette. I've been nicotine free for 4 years now and it gets easier and easier every day.
You can do it! If you need any pointers, let me know.
Thank you brother, I might just do that.