IH-634S - 21oz Selvedge Denim Straight Cut Jeans - Indigo
17 Day Progress Pictures of the IH-634S World Tour Jeans!!!
Perfect fit Dr.! Seul you will end up loving this jean when you finally decide to grab a pair.
Can't wait for my pair to arrive lol… Do these bleed profusely?..
hi all, im new here
okay first post, got this pair of 634s couple days ago.
Yea, definitely a good fit.
"Iron Heart, for midgets and giants alike"
"Iron Heart, for fathers and daughters"
"Iron Heart, because size requests deserve to be listened to"
"Iron Heart, GET SOME!"
"Iron Heart, cause before and after Christmas measurements can be accommodated to" -
Pulled the trigger, and crossed my fingers (or crossed my fingers and pulled the trigger!). Have a pair of 634S making their way across that big pond… Looking forward to seeing these babies in person. Now to hope they fit properly!
Also, big thanks (and big respect) to G for helping me out with this. If only every place I dealt with had such stellar customer service!!
Nice whiskers. And a fucking nice wallet u have there, Jpo.
i'm not such a huge fan of the ass fading up before the pockets and such..
My girl just told me that my IH-634S's smell awful. Washing machine or hand wash? Hmmmmm…..
Handwash!.. Seriously: my pair will never see a machine on the inside…
Neither have mine. One hand wash/ soak only. Was just being lazy out loud. These things most definitely will not see the inside of the industrial washing machines down the hall!
You could always use the handwash program of your washing machine without the spin cycle. Saves lots of effort in scrubbing and rinsing.