Random Announcements
Hey gents, some of you may or may not know that my family has been stricken with cancer several times in the last few years including breast, brain and pancreatic cancer. Personally for me, this is a cause I will always take seriously and thus will do just about anything to raise awareness for it.
I recently started doing crossfit and my gym is doing a fundraiser on October 18th called Barbells for Boobs. The name implies it is for breast cancer but the fundraiser benefits all types. We will be doing a workout on that day, dressed in costume since it's close to Halloween. I would really appreciate any donations you could spare or feel compelled to donate. You can see my donation page here: https://fundraise.barbellsforboobs.org/fundraise?fcid=345002
Mods, if this is inappropriate or in the wrong place, please let me know. Thanks
L'Shana Tova!
First day at the kindergarten: all colleagues are cool, the kids too. Even the one who spitted on me. He really hates me because I kept a cool head and continued to work with him haha don't feck with, I am the king.
^ best of luck to you with the kids JCM, my 5th graders don't feel too far off of a given kindergartener! Best wishes and tons of patience to you!
Thank you, its a dream to see the kids grow and evolve. I have to add its a special education kindergarten, and every little step (for them) is a huge step for me.
An earthquake measuring 5.6 on the Richter scale shook buildings in Tokyo late Monday night.
According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the quake was centered at about two kilometers west/northwest of Iwai, Japan, and hit at about 11:28 p.m. ET. The agency reported the temblor registered a 5.6.
Reuters sent out a headline at about 11:30 p.m. ET saying the quake shook buildings in Tokyo.
Bullet train services in the area of Shinkansen were partially suspended after the quake but resumed, Agence France-Presse Tokyo tweeted.
There were no reports of injuries, but The Weather Channel reported it was receiving word of minor damage.
The cool thing about the Shinkansen's is they're hooked into Japan's early warning network and automatically stop before an earthquake reaches them. http://earthquake-report.com/2011/04/22/2-examples-of-how-technology-made-the-difference-during-the-tohoku-earthquake-and-tsunami/
@Anesthetist wonderful photos…in Germany there is an interesting museum related to jeans where Levi Strauss was born:
with a museum-shop selling jeans, probably unique in the worldDon't expect too much. The Museum focusses on the life and Person of Levi Strauss and only Displays a few items. The shop had no intersting stuff besides one pair of LVC. If you're living Close it's a good Option, but I wouldn't advice driving there for hours, you would be disappointed.
The museum was several times awarded and this museum with the local enviroment is only for persons really interested in the background of Levi Strauss. The list of sponsors says a lot about the reputation of this little museum:
•Europäische Union
•Europäischer Fonds für Regionale Entwicklung
•Freistaat Bayern – Städtebauförderung
•Kulturfonds Bayern
•Bayerische Landesstiftung
•XXXL Neubert
•Architekturbüro Gatz
•Fränkischer Tag
•Müller Medien
•Bauunternehmen Saffer
•Elektro Först
•Ecoplan Projekt GmbH
•Loesch Verpackungstechnik
•Röckelein KG
•LIAPOR – Lias Franken
•Fahrhans GMBH und Co. KG
•Coca Cola
•Mc Donalds Restaurants
•REWE Zentral AG
•Radio Bamberg
•Löwenbräu Buttenheim
•St,. Georgenbräu Buttenheim
•Brauerei Meusel, Dreuschendorf
•Fa. Gebrüder Bing
•Anwaltskanzlei Heller und Kollegen
•Anwaltskanzlei Kalb und Kollegen
•Harley Davidson Paukner
•Brüpckner Werke GmbH
•Deutsche Nährmittel Gesellschaft
•Georg Pfister GmbH
•Elektro Schwarzmann
•Schreibwaren Elbel
•Jörg Katins
•Jürgen Depken
•VR Bank Bamberg e.G.
You will find also from time to time special exhibitions and lectures from top-experts. But it is not a "jeans-show", its for people with interest in history and the role of jeans. -
I know, but have you been there?