Heroes (Buying/ Selling/Trading)
@pillowPANTS thanks for the quick shipping, wouldn't hesitate to purchase again.
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Back at you man. Speedy no-nonsense payment. U get em yet dude? Dont for get to post pics
@Hereforthebeer is a great guy to do business with- quick with the payment, easy communication and a good guy all around. Thanks again for taking stuff off my hands.
@FurattoHeddo : like years ago a standup dude, super fast shipping, perfect condition of the goods and easy communication.
- topic:timeago-later,10 days
@SimonQ. and @Andreas1965 both where a pleasure to deal with and shipped very fast.
Should out to @el camino. Rapid shipment, 634S-SEXIH13 arrived precisely as described.
@mclaincausey , great buyer. Hope you enjoy them, the measurements just weren't in my favor.
Perfect fit mate thanks again. Sending to Giles for a hem.
@Cole: awesome buyer, very pleasant to deal with. Super fast payment.
Big shout out to @BLACKFROSTT for the hook up on the red cord western. He also threw in a sweet bracelet. Super seller.
Big shout out to @BLACKFROSTT for the hook up on the red cord western. He also threw in a sweet bracelet. Super seller.
Miss BF. But seriously how sick is that shirt?
@Pbains1 : everything went perfect
long overdue shoutouts to @hereforthebeer, @bushmonkey, @markmont, @elclintor, and anyone else I may be forgetting for being either awesome buyers or sellers. All of these guys are amazing to work with.
Big thanks to davito for a great deal on IH 704 and 705!
I've had this lighter holder from @corporalclegg for months niw
Thank you Clegg! Nobody gets away with MY fire