IHSH-107 - 2014 Ultra Heavy Flannel Western Shirt
Brilliant pics @ddtrash
Cheers Guys, thanks for the positive comments. Loving the shirt and wondering why it has taken me so long to pick up an IH flannel.
By the time I have spotted them for sale they are sold out. No surprises when they are this good!
Welcome to the UHF family!!
I had no need for another UHF but the design of this one looked so good from the photos. Made a late decision to get the Black and couldn't be happier with it. The cut and fit is literally perfect for me (taking my usual S unlike previous UHFs where I had to size up to M to get enough sleeve length). Also saw the Red and Green in SE - both amazing pieces.
Great choice @babyknight you'll gonna love it
Just ordered black one from Selfedge.. Now it is just anxious waiting.
The first picture is stunning. And I know a black L which will find a good home.
Best fitting UHF and most beautiful fabric.
Collector's Item?
Way out of the game, but I'm going to chime in and say yes. Shame I missed it!
what up PA Tom?
if u still have any of your classic items u not out the game, u just letting the youngsters live a bit.
The first picture is stunning. And I know a black L which will find a good home.
Thanks to @Max Power for pickin it up from Vater & Sohn
Let's see a fitpic! I washed the green today, curious to see what it did to the fit & fabric.
#lumbersexual -
Yes, looks awesome