@Bluegrass Where do I begin? Yours is the style and era of house we have always wanted to live in. You have impeccable taste and style in furnishing and finishing it in the manner you have! An American classic, full marks. Frohe Weihnachten!
The funny thing is that those are my furnishings and this is my coffee corner, to give a sense of my priorities.
@mclaincausey you will be up and running in no time - we've all been there, new place, new adventure, settling in… very exciting, good times.
Thanks to all for the comments/compliments - our place has evolved over the years and it's been fun - we've been fortunate to inherit some beautiful antiques from loved ones who cherished and enjoyed them as we do now - and it's been fun collecting the rest of the furnishings, including the art, little by little over the years.
It could be worse @mclaincausey - this is my current pad…
Currently somewhere between Kent and Australia.
@Bluegrass & @TrickHell gr8 stuff. I appreciate your time & sharing
@TrickHell watched your vid, great stuff. Loved your prints and grandma's dragon. Thx for sharing…
@TrickHell it's an Otter Messer (http://www.otter-messer.de/)
finally stepped up my furniture game and got me some eames fiberglas chairs
copped some rocking base legs from the local store and some other gimmicks from another shop (http://www.matte-puce.ch/)…
…et voila! looks way better imo.
finally i do have a nice spot to lean back, relax and to go through some nice magazines
…gonna cop two more rocking base legs for the other two eames armchairs and for the standard side chairs, i'll be adding some nice wooden legs, which are ~4-5cm longer than the standard h-base legs later on...gonna use them as my new chairs to sit at the dinner table!
pretty happy with the outcome i have to say
Pictures taken yesterday before my kids birthday party, before all the guests arrived.
Some things in the pictures are only there temporary. As the hanger in the hall and the red table in the room with the piano, the balloons and flags .I do not know if I will keep this post up for ever. Feels a bit personal.
Have not yet decided if it is to personalDeleted