What's your favorite Beer?
Going the sampler route for lunch.
That's the Gose, Manhattan NW and Gingersnap; and the remains of the full size glass is the Baked Blackberry.
Don't get me wrong, there are a few available, just not many, and definitely not on the level of anything else we have. Most notable would be Bell's Oarsman and one from Jolly Pumpkin whose name escapes me. I would likely find more if I could get into the pubs and restaurants more frequently, as all of our brewers have some GREAT selections that are in house only.
Goose Island has one that's supposed to be pretty good, I'd wager that's available in your region. There was another brewery down in MI that had a highly regarded wild sour but I can't recall it for the life of me.
The Goose Island Lolita isa very good sour, and should be available where you are.
Will check for Lolita, but Goose Island doesn't have a huge presence here. I've found that due to the enormous amount of quality brewers in state, shops tend to focus on carrying those full lines and only a couple select from outside the region. With Bells, Founders, Dark Horse, Arcadia, New Holland, Arbor, Atwater,Great Lakes, and a handful of others shelf space gets limited. There are plenty of exceptional brewers that have zero presence as a result. I would have no idea where to get anything from the likes of the Bruery. In truth, we just need a warehouse sized outlet to house all of the quality selections out there
Well we have hundreds and hundreds of breweries and many of them bottle, but you can still find out of state beer; it could be a provincial attitude by the stores or distributors more than anything.
Right–those are national brands for sure.
Life is extraordinarily hectic ATM, but I want to share/trade some of the local beers (and Bruery, if that's off the radar) with folks who are interested.
Yep, same; we'll talk soon on that, I also wanted to help Mr Pigler out as well as Mega and the Padmores, and other curious parties.
For those looking at trades
For those looking at trades
Thanks, this is perfect!
I found them after my last trade with Dan. Bubble wrap and shipping supplies are far more costly and less secure. Thought with the trades that go on, others might find this useful.
I've had trouble with even painstaking packing, there's no comparison to vessel formed padding. Used similar to get wine home from Oz.
You're first, milady
Had the day off yesterday so I had some afternoon beers!
Grapefruit Sculpin, great as always. Not over the top fruit flavors, just enough to be refreshing and different.
I still have yet to try out the Habanero version, not sure I want to as the combo doesn't sound enticing.
Brooklyn Sorachi Ace.
Not sure how I felt about this one after one small bottle, spicy and smooth but something just didn't taste right.
Maybe just a bit too yeast-y.