I'm more intrigued with each new set of pics, it's the whole 'handwoven' thing that gets me - I mean they look quite unique, and a different texture to other denims that I've seen (although I'll freely admit that I haven't sampled much outside of IH/TW), but I just imagine they would feel like a heavy, soft cloth as a result of the way they've been made?
Curiosity may get the better of me and then I'll just have to buy a pair -
Yes, they feel very soft and thick. Sort of like super heavyweight sweatpants, but not really. Seriously unique denim.
I've got a pair of these on the way, and I'm crossing my fingers the fit will work out. (Thanks again, Arlo!)
In the meantime, I found some pics of evo on Darahkubiru that are really interesting, and thought I'd share them. The subdued gray-ish purple tone on the thighs looks really old-timey to me, for some reason. If the OP sees this, I hope you don't mind me using your pics!
Got mine yesterday from Nokipple. Denim is completely different in colour and feel compared to my SExIH-13.
I love the single seam back pocket construction.
Top block is a bit tight due to pre-surgical fatness…nothing a good amount of diet exercise and hiking can't solve.
OK. Forget the diet I' m off to Nockherberg.
Cheers. -
Damn, those look perfect on you! Nicely done @match