Random Announcements
Did no-one click the link?
It's the former Levi Strauss family mansion…
Chase fraud protection prevented me from buying beer last night. I can't decide what that says about me.
2 days ago I was in Europe's biggest water park, at 7am this morning I was sat on a sun terrace in Santa Susanna near Barcelona, now I'm at home sat on my bed and it's raining….the week has gone down hill fast.
Spotted in Barcelona, the official denim of "American People"
As an American ^these pantalons depress me.
As an American ^these pantalons depress me.
An Okie in "The Grapes of Wrath" would find them depressing.
Spotted in Barcelona, the official denim of "American People"
I assume they are talking about this 'Merica:
what rotten luck,
buy a ThinkPad next time! -
Or he could spend 7 bucks and get this