i kicked it today with Ginno from Self Edge and met his roommates' pet… this one is for Seul...
holy shit,he was the dude who sold me my first pair of IH 301
s!cool dude and really helpfull. i think you were around as well,deadendpro,and you were wearing your 301
s as well….
thanks for your help guys. -
Simon, this is an epic video. Make sure not to brake your neck when coasting.
Surely there's still time for Coasting to be included for 2012 !
Good vid Simon.
TT -
decided to watch a rock legend concert tonight, nine of my friend are keen to watch this kind of music so i went alone. please forgive my crappy blackberry pics and then…..
the first opening act
the second opening act
the crowd is getting weary
and here they come, they introduce themselves as the motörhead
ace of spades
let's call it an ass kickin day