IHSH-59 - Metallic Thread Flannel Western Shirts
I have a red, medium for trade or sale if anyone is interested.
go @Finn666 , I liked this shirt, but it was too long in the body for me.
the red one is dope as well mikey! @madmonday …really one of my favorites, since u can wear these all year round...they have just the perfect weight imo
here is it pictured, side by side with the 61 from the missus I've copped from @Clint_D …thanks again for it buddy!
Finally got my hands on one of these. One of the more unique shirts IH has ever put out. I remember these not selling so hot, no idea why that is..
Boy is it hard to capture the magic of this shirt (the metallic thread). I haven't been able capture a good example of it yet.. fit pic soon
Thanks ya'll!
59 in gray was actually my first Iron Heart shirt. It really is something special.
That is pretty special, Ann! Great first shirt imo! Mine was a lightweight one as well, the brown 47
New to me red 59