Random Announcements
Welcome to the world Cooper Benjamin Lucas
Wow, what a gorgeous baby and by the looks only a few minutes old, welcome to the world baby Cooper and congrats jdl1279
Congrats @jdl1279 - what an exciting weekend!! Enjoy the experience
So this evening my girlfriend tells me that my chain stitch run offs remind her of Tampon strings. Great.
^^^ bloody brilliant. Had to laugh, unfortunately I won't be able to look at chain stitch run off in the same way ever again, so thanks for that [emoji50]
preparing to never sleep again
…welcome to the insomnia club!
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This might go better in the anti-rant category but this one was at the top of the feed and it's Friday night, post work, and I'm lazy.
I had not worn my IH 666 XHS for a month plus. Today I threw em on and headed to work. I have multiple pairs of jeans in my current rotation that are one off. custom mades for me. Half way through the day I think, "good lord these jeans are incredible." My IH are on par if not better than any pair of custom made jeans I own.
So here's to IH and they're over engineered greatness.
Already emptied my glass…..
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The Guardian have published an article on Lidl's £5.99 jeans.
There's a breakdown in the cost of production if you click through, and the piece ends with:
_Because when your business model is based on offering the lowest possible prices, someone has to subsidise that, and that someone is the worker stitching those jeans. Lidl does not buy its jeans from Bangladesh because Dhaka’s factories are the finest in the world: it does so because they pay their workers a pittance. And that, ultimately, is how it is possible to sell a pair of jeans for £5.99.
It’s not magic. It’s just exploitation._
One of the things I like about IH gear is that it's not made in sweatshops, and there's no exploitation involved. Well, except to my wallet, and the current intern.