What's your favorite Beer?
Meh, but it was free so I drank three.
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Meh! Guess it was a little sour for you [emoji38] like how you managed three though..! Good on you!
A completely random stop on my way home produced this loveliness
Damn a little early this year. Wonder if it made it to MA yet.
A few of the better places I frequent have my number to let me know when it comes in, but by the time the people that work there take one and they set aside a few for their friends, a case or 2 goes quick. Damn I hope I get a few this year.
This is bottled piss.
I have poured it down the drain and can't be bothered to take a better photo, because out of focus is all it deserves.
If you see this on the shelf, don't bother, drink your own…
The pedant in me wants to point out that it's canned piss. Thanks for the warning though.
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