I never understand people's cruelty to animals makes my blood boil.
Well done you hopefully now it will get a good home and be cared for. -
On a happier note we have had Doug for 2 years now and he just keeps getting better.
Even if he does jump in every bit of mud he can find.
My son is 11months old now and thinks Doug is the best thing ever. Pulls his fur climbs on top of him and Doug is so good. Never flinches.
I hate to admit, I look forward to pictures of Doug (the dog). The birthday dog cake was great.
Debating between putting this into Random Rants or here, but honestly, I just need to vent.
My wife and I noticed a Shar Pei wandering around across the street, so we call Animal Control to find it's owner and I go out to give it a little food since it's out there eating grass. While he's scarfing down three cups of food, I see his eyes and feet are infected, and his nails have been neglected so bad they've curled around several times (the Animal Control Officer tells me that's from YEARS of neglect).
After the dog ate, he ran off into my neighbors yard (where the Animal Control Officer found piles and piles of dog shit). Turns out it's my neighbor from the other side of the block that's been doing this to the poor dog.
More to follow, but the Animal Control Officer was pissed, and made the owner sign affidavit that says that if the dog hasn't seen a vet and has been fed properly by Monday, they're taking the dog and pressing animal cruelty charges. Mind you, these people are not poor, as it's a middle class neighborhood and they have a Mercedes in the driveway.
Jody and I already talked, we contacted the Officer again, and we're taking in the little guy when he inevitably gets surrendered.
NB: parts of this story has been left out in case any future events lead to legal action.
Thanks for listening
So Animal Control finally beat on them enough that they took the dog to the vet to get medication and he's scheduled for surgery to take care of his nails. I guess it's not a terrible resolution, although it would have been preferable that the dog go to a home that will consistently take care of him and love him.
This lil guy, Buddy…. Pitbull/ mastiff mix. Less than 5 months, and already 20kg. Size isn't as important as our connection. He was the smallest left of the litter when I took my pick, at exactly 10weeks.... But, after only 1 week, we have no use for a leash, 99% of the time. As many dogs as my family has owned, this one dog has stolen my heart more so than any animal, and most people ever could. So awesome. So chill. I swear, someone else's dog was reincarnated in to him.
When we got our Rottweilers, we were told each time that they have the best temperment of the litter, but wouldn't be the biggest.
Our boy is 125lbs and the girl is 110lbs.
Either I was lied to about the size or their siblings are giants.
Honestly, I couldn't care less about the size, but it's just funny how it turned out.
Foxy has come home to us today. Jules reading the puppy pack whilst Foxy relaxes
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^bloody hell she's a big lass and a great looking dog to boot :)^
She is great with the kids. Only downside are all the slobber towels strategically placed throughout the house.