The "Beltman" put's out topnotch belts too. I got a chance to visit his workshop the last time I was in NC. He's a remarkable man.
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I just ordered a Japan made Dalee Deluxeware 1940s leather belt, along with a Flat Head belt (the one with the hammered buckle) – YEY!!!
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Now that's a belt!
Great job
Thanks! And a big thanks to Waddie for the incredible buckle! Without it, my belt keeps falling off
Here's Waddie's site if anyone wants to check it out (He's a good dude):
There's a great belt shop, buckle shop in Ashville, NC. Definitely worth checking out.
Looking for a light webbed belt for shorts
Any tips for shops in Europe?
Looking for a light webbed belt for shorts
Any tips for shops in Europe?
I use a Mister Freedom Liberty belt and like it a lot.
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Patagonia Tech Web Belt. Works great plus a hidden bottle opener