The Real McCoys
The J-100 is one stunning jacket
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I'll get the US Navy Pea Coat, 1913 version. Can't try it on before buying, so I seek some sizing advice to get it right the first time and avoid the hassle of shipping stuff back and forth. I'm 186 cm and 85 kg with a 42" chest. Typically XL in IH jackets and shirts. Should I go for size 42 or 44 in the Pea Coat? What do you think? I would layer it with UHFs or sweaters.
I have this peacot. Tagged 40. Bought years ago at Blue in Green. Pattern is fitted. Be care. Look at the shoulders also
I am now a typically L in IH shirts now. And fits thight. No needed uhf under this peacot. -15 -20 here in Norway in winter and a tee+ denim shirt is enough. For me. This peacot is like 32oz if i can remember correctly. Mega warm. Freezy wind stop. Amazing heavy piece of melton. Good luck!
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I'm the same height as you are and have the peacoat in 42. It fits quite tight, but ok.
Difficult to say actually. It could fit you like made to measure or be too small in 42.
I can't wear a sweater beneath it, just a shirt.HHMMM- I just checked to see, whether we're talking about the same peacoat.
Mine has only side pockets. The 1913 one at Superdenim has both side pockets and flap pockets.
So, it might be a totally different fit between the two.
Also, I find mine not that warm. Enough until let's say -5C, but below with only a shirt it can be cold. -
Ah, that's best.
I found out now. I have this one (MJ10116): -
@champ cool pair!!!
The Real McCoy's store in Covent Garden opened a few weeks after I left London, so I took the opportunity of being in town to take a look.
This is the Joe McCoy Oklahoma, which is a 1930s style half belt jacket made from deerskin. It was a little short and tight, though it looks good in the photo.
Incidentally, the guy you can see in the background of the photo is another IH fan, from Fleet. He said that he's been down to see @Giles and @Madame Buttonfly in Gosport to buy his gear.
I'm not sure what contract this A2 was, it might have even been a generic RMC style.
This is a replica of the Security Aviation Togs A2. It was the first version of the jacket, and has buttons rather than snaps on the pockets. I've got a deposit down with Good Wear, and was considering getting JC's version of this.
Hey, nice to see you @Graeme - how long are you around for? I recognise the guy in the background, I think he maybe came to Fish'n'Chips one year… oh my memory is so awful!
Hey, nice to see you @Graeme - how long are you around for?
I'm in the UK until the end of November. My brother's getting married tomorrow, which prompted the trip back.
I'll have to get down to Gosport sometime in the next month or so.
That Joe McCoy Oklahoma jacket is one of my favorite half belt designs.
But I think they only made it up to size 44 so sadly too small for me.I have the same problem. It was just a bit tight on me.