Fall/Winter 2016 Pipeline
will selfedge get any of the yenim to make in the 633, etc… or is it just 634/666 IHUK exclusive?
do you have any idea how well it will breathe? i know it uses the same warp as the 18oz, but will it be as densely woven as the 18oz? doesn't look look like it shows much weft and the color appears pretty interesting.
There will only be 634 and 666 cuts. No more of this denim will be made. None, or at least very few will even stay in Japan, the demand from international retailers was so great. It doesn't show much weft because the weft is 50% the thickness of a cotton weft. No idea how it will breathe…
Wow that looks awesome
It looks great!!!
The season of a $0 bank balance approaches.
It's true