Mister Freedom
Here are a few anniversary peacoat photos. I even included a collar up "cool guy" shot.
Looks fantastic @deanclean !
Nice look @deanclean , I think that off white herringbone fabric would make a great shirt too.
Thanks guys. I love it. Now keeping it clean will be the real challenge
No worries about some patina on it man
Very Nice coat enjoy @deanclean
Patina is great, I agree. It's just late night after bar pizza and beer spills I'd like to avoid!
New indigo Mulholland looks very tempting…..
New indigo Mulholland looks very tempting…..
That's the problem!!! Everything is looking tempting these days
New indigo Mulholland looks very tempting…..
Yes it does! I was JUST admiring it on Rakuten…..
I've been trying to talk myself out of it since I saw the blog post. Cannot use the it's Christmas! excuse.
^ I have been using this one a lot lately. Has not worked as well as I hoped. Also have a goal of thinning the herd soon…. If that works and things sell, then I have a feeling a Mulholland will takes their place.
Living in SoCal has saved me money on jackets. Hell, I have too many IH flannels for where I live. Love that jacket though.
I wonder what it is named for. I've lived all around Mulholland HWY most of my life, and while lots of people ride all the time, this beast would be too heavy 90% of the year.
Anyways, beautiful piece. -
I've been wearing my M-65 a lot the last few days to 1. See if I could pull the Look of the MM off (similar era styling, I know not the same jacket), and 2. trying to convince myself I don't need them both.
As I said in my post a few weeks ago, I did not have my eye on anything when the anniversary post was originally made, but dog gone it if I don't want every item by now.
Sadly, the Anniversary collection has been the sequence of items "long gone" and things I have lusted over for nearly a decade now. Almost all of this stuff came out when I was in college, with no money and no hopes of ever owing any of them.
Now, I have a wife, so all previous sentiments remain true
I wonder what it is named for. I've lived all around Mulholland HWY most of my life, and while lots of people ride all the time, this beast would be too heavy 90% of the year.
Despite the weight, it actually is named after the highway, according to the blog:
We got the name of our humble interpretation of that classic from one of Los Angeles’ famous highway, a scenic stretch of asphalt turned playground for Californian motorcycle riders, automotive speedsters and local midnight cruisers.
Thank you EvilTwin.
Mulholland is a great stretch of road. I have many memories associated with it.
Great name for a great looking jacket. -
The Mulholland jackets and the Waterfront coat are now available in the online shop: http://www.misterfreedom.com/anniversary-collection.html