Personal development would sway it for me @Finn666
On a considerably more serious note than jobs, careers, and life changing decisions, I have a pressing first world problem that I need sorting out. I'm looking at a pair of high end Norwegian made work boots and can't make up my mind which leather I want. They'll be worn with indigo jeans and work trousers for the most part (shocker I know), and I've been looking at them so long I've almost lost the will to buy a pair. So dear fellow forum member, which pair floats YOUR boat and why:
Dark brown Chromexcel:
Horween Roast Coffee Bayou:
Horse front, natural tan:
And a little more out there, black Zug and brown latigo:
All input much appreciated.
Agreed. Bayou.
Are you sure those are Norwegian made?
Sorry, you are right. I was being lazy in my description. Strictly speaking no, they're made in England, but after a Norwegian design, for a Norwegian company
Do you know anything about them @Giles ?
Bayou imo (natural tan a close second)
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Horse front, definitely.
Explanation for the choice is as follows: I dislike zug grain, just a personal aesthetic opinion, nothing quantifiable, so those are out. I don't like how CXL can get scraped up while walking across a carpet made of rainbows and warm hugs, so those are out. The bayou is good, but I like the color of the horse better, plus horse hide develops a really nice soft glow over time that's unique.
I really like the horse front, myself.
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Are you sure those are Norwegian made?
Sorry, you are right. I was being lazy in my description. Strictly speaking no, they're made in England, but after a Norwegian design, for a Norwegian company
Do you know anything about them @Giles ?
They're made by William Lennon -
Hey Finn666, when you get a job, someone believes you can do everything required of that role. You have two responsibilities at that point – 1) don’t prove them wrong; and 2) prove them more than right by demonstrating that you can do more at every opportunity. Now you have a chance to shine again. Congrats!
They're made by William Lennon you. They seem like the real deal?
And thank you very much to everyone who played. You've all been very helpful. The Chromexcel is eliminated from the running, and that is a good start. There's something about the zug/latigo that I find strangely appealing, but it isn't really an option. It's down to the Bayou or the horse. I'll let you all know how it pans out…
bought at pair straight from WL, they have tons of leather options- Love the bayou.
Straight from WL they can do stuff like line them, you get to choose what soles you want (even hobnails if you are so inclined)Not quite the highest finish like viberg and wesco, but bomber built. heavy and stiff.
And a fraction of the price..Libs at WL is great to deal with
I dig the rivet. Somehow Cabourn got Viberg to do that years ago, but I haven't seen it since.
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@neph93 I had a pair of William Lennon Officer Boots and I couldn't fault them; great fit, great material, great build and great looking
@den1mhead thanks for that.
They certainly look like the real deal. I'll find out for myself after the weekend as I've just ordered a pair. Went for the Roast Coffee Bayou. The horse looks beautiful and I was strongly swayed by @Chris arguments as well as the enthusiasm of the rest of you. Thing is, I own a pair of mid brown coloured boots already (IHxViberg Smokejumpers) and while the differences in the leathers are massive, I felt the colours were a little too close for the luxury of owning another pair in the same colour range. The plus points for the Roast Coffee are that they'll take a shine and I have no boots at the mo that will do that (two pairs of roughouts and two oil-tanned) and I liked the contrast of the midsoles with the dark leather. And let's face it if they work out well in terms of fit and quality, I can always go back for more ::)