Fels-Naptha - Laundry Bar & Stain Remover
Planning to sleep on the couch tonight, I see…
Fels-Naptha is one of the few things that actually works to get poison ivy off your skin, if used soon enough before it can turn into a reaction. Lots of scrubbing required.
Thinking I need to pick some of this stuff up.
Trying this today for the first time.
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@Anesthetist how did it work out for you?
@Anesthetist how did it work out for you?
I am pretty happy with the results. They feel really clean, soft, and smell great. I think it does better than my Woolite Dark and Dr Bronners.
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Another satisfied customer. I tested it for a long while before I recommended it. I think it is great stuff. You can also add a few tablespoons of 20 Mule Team Borax if your garment is super dirty and dingy.
I am curious now!
@Filthy25ozJunkie, thanks a lot for sharing your experience regarding washing our loved denim. Since I am fairly new to the hole topic I am eager to learn how to wash and get the most out of the denim!
Sure thing
I know this is a super old thread but I came across it in a search and it seems potentially helpful to me.
@Filthy have you ever used this stuff on overdyed denim? I got some avocado on a pair of 666s after one slipped out of my hand as I was cutting it up. Since they’re basically all fat, it left a nice oily stain that didn’t come out with a wash.
Was thinking of spot treating with Dawn since that usually works for me on oily stains — I just have a slight worry it could lighten the overdye and just leave a different sort of spot in the old one’s place. Curious if you’ve used the naphtha bar for this sort of thing.
Thanks in advance!