Introduce Yourself Here
Welcome @Dr_games. Glad to have you
Hello, new to both raws (since last November) and Iron Heart.
I've bought a few 2nd hand and love how nice the fabric is compared to some other pairs I have.
For reference, I have IH 1955S, 666XHS, and just purchased 634SV which I have yet to receive.
Welcome. Quite a collection of denim, and fits. 21oz flagship, in a repro cut. 25oz slim straights. And, 18oz raws, in straight fashion. A great start, indeed.
welcome bud. @Dr_games
Welcome all new members! The more the merrier.
Hello. Just received my first pair of IH. With the help of Sam I ended up with a pair of 666S-18. I think the fit is great…
Congratulations, welcome and hell yes, that's a great fit. Also good luck with new denim and white Chucks [emoji28]
^ Agreed on the fit. Welcome to the mad house
Hello. Just received my first pair of IH. With the help of Sam I ended up with a pair of 666S-18. I think the fit is great…
Congratulations, welcome and hell yes, that's a great fit. Also good luck with new denim and white Chucks [emoji28]
Haha, yeah, these are my dirty Chucks for wearing with jeans that I don't cuff above the ankle.
@jbreitenbucher you just reminded me I need a pair of those in my life.
Hey, guys!
I'm definitely not new to denim but I will be new to Iron Hearts (patiently awaiting my NT-888s, currently working on some Momotaro 0605-18s) and I wanted to introduce myself. I'm Jordan and I'm obsessed with denim, sneakers, powerlifting, and comics.
Hopefully, I can contribute meaningfully to this forum and I look forward to talking with all of you!
Welcome aboard @Jordanxbuffer
I'm Jordan and I'm obsessed with denim, sneakers, powerlifting, and comics.
Good to have you here. Have a look around and enjoy. Just as an FYI, there's a comics thread, a lifting thread and a sneakers thread in the Hobbies & Passtimes section. Good places to geek out. Also looking forward to hearing your opinion on the 888 cut and UHR denim.
AWESOME! Thanks. I'm a bit nervous about my sizing after hearing that the thighs came in a big smaller on the sanforized batch. These will be my first dabble in the unsanf realm and I don't want to mess up the sizingnon them.
Read the UHR threads for good intel, but from experience, the UHR doesn't shrink crazy amounts other than in length. G has also said that the NT's are more likely to come in around target measurements. Unsanforised is always a bit of crap shoot, but that's half the fun [emoji1]
Hello everyone!!!
Thanks for having me. I stumbled upon this place on a total lark haha. I am big denim fan, boots fan, and jewelry so i think I will fit in just fine. Just a quick skim this seems like a dope place. I look forward to participating and learning a lot here.
A little about me: I am a knife guy haha. My main passion/hobby is knives and the general knife community (collecting). My favorite type of knife, and my main interest are balisongs. Through my knife ventures I have come accustomed to mens jewelry and all that comes with it (denim etc etc). My other hobbies include, clothes, shoes, and video game collecting.
Stay sharp.
Welcome @YungStotle, happy to have you.
I actually made this account in early 2015 to post my final pics in the HWDC2 (was wearing Samurai 710s for that) here instead of just at SuFu, but haven't used it since then and just lurked here a bit until recently. I've been into some other Japanese denim brands (PBJ, Samurai) for awhile, and finally made the jump recently with some shirting. I immediately realized how awesome it was and I bought a bunch more shirting (seriously went overboard… hah...) and a duck type 3. I'd wanted to update my shirting collection for awhile, but couldn't really justify so much expensive clothing while in grad school. I've been out of that for a bit over a year and a half now, stopped by SESF on a recent trip to try on an ultra heavy flannel, and was just like "OK, looks like I'm going to be ordering a bunch of this in the near future."
I'm looking forward to trying IH jeans as well at some point, though IDK if I'll jump on a pair yet, as I have a pair of Black Samurai 710s and PBJ xx-020s that both have a lot of life yet, and I haven't typically had more than two pairs in the rotation in the past (often just 1). Seems like a great forum, and I recognize a handful of people from back in the day at SuFu, where I haven't really posted in awhile.
Beyond being into rugged clothes that are made properly, I'm a distance runner, bioengineering PhD that does academic research in neural engineering, and skier. I frequently work on furniture projects with my wife, who also has taken on and completed some ridiculously challenging clothing construction projects. So, I've really developed an appreciation for proper construction in a handful of senses, which makes Iron Heart even more fun to wear.