IHSH-180 - Ultra Heavy Flannel Classic Check Western Shirt
It's freaky, in the late 80s I had a shitty Coleman flannel shirt that looked exactly like the red variation of this. It was weird because it was just while flannel with the plaid printed on it. It was from Hill's department store.
I'm not saying this is shitty just it is crazy to see a high end version of the same plaid. It has got to be a coincidence.
Thinking about it some more, I am sure I had a green one too.
I can't stop looking at that brown….I've come back at least 10 times today to look
I'm with @browniemcghee , darker would be better as it would eventually fade to the brown in the mock up
I would be good.with darker shades on the brown.
This hospital visit is costing me…
But I think I can. Resist an UHF since I have 2 already, this gorgeous though...almost. I hate IH...they make my bank empty.....I'm tempted in trying to unload one if not both of my current UHF. Damn you Giles!
I think this is THE BEST UHF plaid IH has done so far. Personally I like the brown mock-up best - darker would indeed be better - and red and green tied for 2nd/3rd with green getting an ever so slight edge. Spliting hairs three ways. I'm probably passing on this round, so I'm very hopeful that H-san and G-san take note of the popularity and do further runs in the future.
Are the workshirts as limited and when will they drop?
Btw the brown is gorgeous as well.
Brown and Green are cooL!
Today's the day!
For me to go near broke ha
Only if you are lucky and fast enough.
I'll try to pick one up, but having the average Joe size of XL this migth be a lucky day for my bank account.
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