And now for the refueling
^^^cool pic. I've always wanted to try one of those mud races. My brother did a short one and loved it.
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I spent last weekend in the Netherlands, and here are a few photos. There are more on my Instagram feed.
These are the stairs in the Hotel Museumzicht. They're always really steep in old Dutch houses!
The Chanel boutique on PC Hooftstraat. The front had been partially rebuilt in glass bricks, which looked really cool.
Denham Denim do some interesting products. These chairs are in an indigo dyed camel leather! I'd love a set.
The IJ-Hallen, which contains the biggest flea market in Europe. I didn't go inside to look.
Graffiti covered submarine.
You often see Rolex clocks outside of a jewellers. This is the first time I've seen a Meistersinger one, which, like their watches, has a single hand.
A mural on a building in South Amsterdam.
I lived in Delft for a few years, so took a trip to see what the town is like these days. It hasn't changed too much, apart from the demolition of the 1960s concrete railway viaduct that ran along the west side of the centre. It's a pretty place, go visit!
This is the Nieuwe Kerk (New Church), which faces onto the marketplace.
The Oostpoort (Eastern Gate) into Delft. Most of the city walls were pulled down in the nineteenth century, and this is the last surviving gate into the city.
Naarden is a fortified city to the east of Amsterdam. It's got a star shape on the map, and I was curious to see what it looked like.
This is the Grote Kerk (Great Church) in the centre of town.
The Utrechtse Poort (Utrecht Gate), which is the only surviving gate into the fortifications.
Well done @Chris.
I did a Nuts challenge last month, now I'm doing my first Spartan race this morning. Must be bloody bonkers because I hated the Nuts but my mate talked me into doing this.
Congratulations Chris that's a tough race
Is that baby poo all over you @Chris ?
Spartan done and I bloody loved it.
Congratulations Mud-Runners! Went myself on a chilly sunday run….
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Spartan done and I bloody loved it.
I'm doing a Spartan (Beast distance) next month. It'll be in Dallas, so yours was probably better in every respect.
Beast distance that is something else. They had the best event yesterday, todays was the 5k sprint.
How many obstacles in that one?
About 12-14 miles and 30-35 obstacles, they say. I'm always a bit sceptical about the numbers, since they have a tendency to measure things the "Spartan Way". At the Super I ran back in May, they said it was 8 miles, but a guy with a GPS tracker told me at the end that it was 9.7. I lost track of the obstacles after about 4, so I have no idea how accurate their numbers are.
I will say that the biggest difference between the Sprint and the Super was the amount of running. Essentially, the obstacles don't scale at the same rate as the mileage. So if you're thinking about doing a longer one, my advice would be to focus more on your running endurance.
Oh, and @Megatron1505- you have to be 14 or older to participate, so it's adult poo, not baby.