Samurai Jeans
@JCMx800 Thanks for that mate. I guess TTS will be ok for a more 710-like top block then? Would you mind measuring the leg opening for me please? That's gonna be the make or break measurement….then I just have to actually find a pair?!
Hi @bertoni, the leg opening measurements for the 511XX are as follows:
30- 7.1
31- 7.35
32- 7.6
33- 7.85
34- 7.9Cheers.
S710xx. Haven't worn these in forever…
I think I washed my 0511xx 31" too hot sometime ago. Or I became fat.
711vx 33" inbound -
I like the 711vx. Frontrise is nicely short, thighs fit, not too much taper but not too straightish, denim is lovely and so are the details. Plus they shrunk to a 33" inseam.
Any pointers as to where to find reasonably trustworty measurements for 710XX 24Oz.? Denimio’s are all over the place and apparently BiG don’t carry these anymore; I’m wondering whether I should go with 32 or 33 as I want ~32.5” waist post-shrink… Apparently Samurai have tended towards undersizing their waist measurements as of late?
2nd were always pretty good back in the day. Dunno if they are stocking the 24oz though. Sufu might a better place to seek this info.
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2nd were always pretty good back in the day. Dunno if they are stocking the 24oz though. Sufu might a better place to seek this info.
Yeah, lots of knowledgeable folks over there on SuFu as well… But trying to limit myself to being a noob on 1 forum at a time, I’m hesitating to register there for this. I just might though... Thanks for the suggestion!
Edit: they do carry this model on 2nd but the size chart seems to be a rather generic one:
The same chart can be found on the 20 Oz. model’s product page as well.
Edit 2: Had a quick exchange with Denimio’s CS chat, this is what they had to say about the issue at hand:
Really small differences between tag sizes 32 & 33… Except for the waist, where 32 starts at ~32” and might shrink to impossible, while 33 starts at just shy of 34” and might not shrink enough to reach the desired 32.5”ish.
Connoisseurs of this fabric, which one should I go for? Other measurements - especially thigh - are so close that it boils down to nailing the waist.
Denim will almost always stretch back to original dimensions, given some time and pressure. I'd lean toward the 32, all other factors being comparable.
Denim will almost always stretch back to original dimensions, given some time and pressure. I'd lean toward the 32, all other factors being comparable.
True… It’s just that, while half an inch or so is neither here nor there, if they start off at 32” and shrink by 1”+ to south of 31, it might be impossible to get them on to start the stretching process.
@Niro was it so that you are another true 32.5”-waister, who also happened to own these jeans in their 24 Oz. incarnation? How did you size? If it wasn’t you then I apologize for the unnecessary holla, I’ve been doing lots of forum-reading and might have got some usernames mixed up.
The buttons on this shirt are the bizness. . . what am I saying, this shirt is incredible through and through
Excuse my
I just pre-ordered a pair of the 25oz straight 20th anniversary jeans from Denimio. Here:
Here's a discount code they gave me if you would like to do the same and save a little~~: REWARD-8055-KOQV7-ANEA~~
Code doesn't work.