Red Wing Shoes
I think they will too! Enjoy [emoji1377]
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Hi guys, quick question re getting my Red Wing 3141 Chukkas resoled:
I'm after a commando sole and the only place locally that'll do them is Timpson's… I'm not super-convinced they'll do a great job (google is not their friend in this regard); does anyone have any experience of sending their treasured comfy foot gloves to a Vibram resoler in the UK?
I could send them to the RW-approved cobbler, but they only offer RW soles, it would appear.
Any thoughts?
Have you looked at all the soles available through RW directly?
I know my RW store showed me a book of about 30 sole options, Lot of which never made it in production Boots, but could be done for a resole at the factory
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Good question – however I neglected to mention, apologies, that I'm a long way from a proper RW shop (I'm in Edinburgh, UK – nearest I believe is in London, and they just point you to the afore-mentioned cobbler somewhere else down in the southern UK, who quoted me ~£100).
But you're right, perhaps I should ask after their other soles, the non-RW ones may well be cheaper…
Thanks, good point, I spotted something about the Vibram ?Academy? in London a while back – I'll drop them a line
I spotted something about the Vibram ?Academy? in London a while back
That’s the one I mean. Pretty sure they take shipped business and as I said, the write ups I’ve seen have been positive.
Brilliant, this is why I spend too long on the IHUK forums, always helpful! Cheers, Neph
It might also be worth trying as they’ve got a very good reputation in regards to RW resoling. Granted they aren’t exactly local, however if you’re needing to send your boots anyway, the additional shipping costs may not be that much more. I’m fairly certain another forum member has used them, and mentioned them in this thread.
Thanks, dude, I'll check them out too. Vibram Academy London were very helpful – if I can't find a more accommodating cobbler up here (Scotland), I may well be sending them south/across the North Sea… What a palaver.
Resoled RW 8113 with Vibram 430 and leathermidsole from -
Looks great!!
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RW Harvester's
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Big fan of the Harvesters.
Picked up a pair of Ice Cutters in the sales. Wanted something good in snow.
^ looking great, i also need to own some ice cutters some day…
question: wore my red wing 9111 round toe yesterday in melting snow and was surprised i got wet feet, cause this never happened before. i always brushed dirt away and conditioned them with mink oil now and then. seems like the water came through the seam/stitching area between boot and sole... would it make sense to use some leather protector or waterproofing spray or is it maybe too late and only a resole would solve this problem?
@GuyH, looking good and excellent choice!
Bought the brown one in autumn 2016 and wore it, while walking with the dog, almost every day since then. To my feet they very comfortable and I can walk in them for couple hours with no stress on the feet. They also let barley any water through, highly recommend!
wore my red wing 9111 round toe yesterday in melting snow and was surprised i got wet feet,
Not to come off as a shoe expert (I'm not) but melting snow will get into most boots if you walk around in it enough. Doesn't mean there is a fault with the boot necessarily.
At least they are no rubber boots… but as i wrote, never happened before, heavy rain, snow (also melting snow), mud these were always protected my feet till yesterday. but well i guess you're right (again)..
Hell, I’m wrong all the time [emoji1] In theory, properly treated leather plus a good welt will be pretty effective at keeping water out. In practice the wear and tear of walking around in a boot over long periods of time, plus the action of heating and cooling which can cause changes in the leather and glue used will eventually open up small gaps. Melting snow will find those gaps.
Of the boots I currently own, (three pairs of Wesco, one pair Viberg, one pair RW and one pair Dundas), the Wesco’s have had no problems with water at all. The one pair that have seem the most action are oil tanned leather and are regularly used in quite extreme conditions. The Vibergs can let in a little water but I use them for hiking and it’s when yomping through marshland that it happens. The RW’s are pretty poor in very wet weather conditions tbh.