The Iron Heart Forum Triangle of Terror Type III Trucker Tour 2018 - Updates thread
The forum has come together and crowd funded the purchase of an IH-526L-od (XXL). The jacket will be toured throughout the USA, the UK, Germany with a little stop in Norway. As @Appfaff christened it, a “Triangle of Terror”. It will be awesome.
The official start date is 1.1.2018 but the jacket has already arrived with Appfaff in Alabama (pretty much the only stop on the tour with type III weather in January), so a little xmas preview should be in order.
The schedule:
@Appfaff - US - January 2018
@JDelage - US - February 2018
@Fadez - US - March 2018
@Matty123 - US - April 2018
@steelworker - US - May 2018
@Aetas - GER- June 2018
@Cole - GER - July 2018
@Max Power - GER - August 2018
@Jordan23 - GER - Sept 2018
@Megatron1505 - UK - October 2018
@Alex - UK - November 2018
@Giles - UK - December 2018
@bryaneidins70 - UK - January 2019
@tmg - UK - February 2019
@spitfiredealer - UK - March 2019
@neph93 - NOR - April 2019
@scooter - US - May 2019
@DrBabyhorse - US - June 2019
@DK - US - July 2019In case Americans, Brits or Germans wish to organise meet ups/in person handovers, I'm perfectly fine with small changes to the schedule within your respective countries but I ask that you do the following: Organise it amongst yourselves via PM and then let me know the plan. As long as I can see that it works out I'll make the changes here.
For those of you new to touring IH gear it’s pretty straightforward. You receive the jacket and it’s yours for about four weeks. Wear it as much as possible, and post here as much as you can. It’s as much about giving an insight into your everyday as it is about tracking the jacket evo. Towards the end of your leg, get in touch with the next member on the list and ship the jacket to them. Meet ups and in person hand-overs are great if possible. For inspiration you could do a lot worse than checking out the 888 Fatboy tour here:
Yeah buddy! Looks awesome!
The 19L is an amazing Denim - I had the original 634-19L and the fabric was crazy stuff, very little give, and faded beautifully.
The OD version of the new Lefty feel quiet pliable, is very soft and super comfy
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Sharp bro. Damn near cut myself.
Very nice pics, thanks a lot!
Tour off to a great start. Jacket looks fantastic.
Thanks Gents - posts will begin full steam in the 1st
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For some reason I can hear…..ding....ding....ding....ding....ding....ding....ding
Yeah buddy. You’re a jacket millionaire righ about now.
^i agree - my jacket collection (aside from a missing N1) is rather stacked
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Ironic, considering that your climate doesn't exactly encourage wearing jackets.