The Iron Heart Forum Triangle of Terror Type III Trucker Tour 2018 - Updates thread
Shit. I was joking, but the more I think about it, the more I think that would be really good…
I'm not even kidding, I'm gonna make one.
Probably with regular sausage, though. Hard to find black sausage around here.
I've just noticed on the box they do "Breakfast Pizza" :o What's on the breakfast pizza @Matty123 ?
It’s not as good as @Chris idea but it’s scrambled eggs, mozzarella,bacon, Italian Sausage on a pizza and any other toppings u want to add. Tomato sauce is optional. I advise against the tomato sauce. It’s good with the hot oil and stingers too. Stingers are Serrano chili’s. I’m starving now
I'll definitely be getting slice or two of breakfast pizza his morning now. My local place does cheese, eggs, sausage and bacon. The real kicker is that they use sausage gravy as the sauce…
Fuck, second day in row I read pizza posts at 9am… my day is ruined until I get pizza...
Pizza is the greatest food on earth. Every base ingredient is processed. It’s probably addictive. I love it.
That sausage gravy pizza sounds legit
To each his own my friend. I’m a traditionalist at heart but I’ll eat Elios’ frozen pizza cooked on the hood of a car if offered.
@steelworker you’re up next buddy! Please PM me you’re shipping info. Ill ship it out on Monday.
Ok @steelworker she’s in the post and on the way to you. You should have it by Friday at the latest.
Adios you god damned beautiful jacket. Till we meet again
You two would get along real good.
Hey @Matty123 jacket showed today. Though@90F I won't be wearing it right away. ::)
Hey @Matty123 jacket showed today. Though@90F I won't be wearing it right away. ::)
Brilliant! (Not the 90F though). Looking forward to this. Wear it to work
Hey @Matty123 jacket showed today. Though@90F I won't be wearing it right away. ::)
Glad to hear it. Same temperature here. I had a great month for
The jacket weather wise. -
Damn, what a great thread. Makes me super annoyed that I wasn't paying attention and missed getting in on this–keep rocking it so the rest of us can live vicariously, though!
I just snagged one of these, I am happy to come off the tour to give someone else a chance at wearing this awesome jacket!
I just snagged one of these, I am happy to come off the tour to give someone else a chance at wearing this awesome jacket!
Damn, what a great thread. Makes me super annoyed that I wasn't paying attention and missed getting in on this–keep rocking it so the rest of us can live vicariously, though!
@DK, where you at in the world? This jacket is a forum funded purchase so if you want in you can pay @organisys his share ($25 if I remember correctly) and I’ll put you in the rotation.
I'm in the Bay Area–Berkeley, specifically. @organisys, if that's cool with you, PM me and I'll PayPal you FF today! It would be super rad to get in on this!!! Thanks @neph93!
Edit: would probably make the most sense for me to go near the end, once it's back in the US, but I'll do it whenever you guys want!!! Thanks again!