Random questions to which you seek an answer
Wasn't sure if I should post this in the 666SII thread, but figured I might need to post it in a broader thread like this, so it'd get more eyes on it…
I've always thought the sit-in-the-tub-with-a-pair-of-jeans idea was a little bit outlandish (if not just a pain in the ass), but I wonder if it might work in this situation.
I have a pair of 666SII that were going great until I decided to wash them. Midway through the wash cycle, I paused the washer and opened it up to make sure the jeans weren't too wadded up, only to realize that the water was SUPER hot. Turns out when the guys installed my washer (YEARS ago), they'd switched the hot and cold hoses. So yep, instead of the cold cycle, I'd been washing my stuff in pure hot water for quite a while. Great.
Anyway, the 666SIIs naturally shrank a bit from the hot wash. They're still wearable, albeit a bit too tight in the waist. I could've gained weight, but I wouldn't think that much... I generally fluctuate between 190 and 195, and nothing's ventured out of that range lately. Regardless, I've worn them quite a bit since the hot wash and they're still tight.
My thought was maybe to do the tub soak thing and see if she shape of my waist could stretch the jeans out while wet. Couldn't hurt, right? Any other thoughts?
We should be able to source a patch for you. Patrick is doing fine, just super busy.
Great to hear on both counts.
Hey, Mods—was this a bad spot to put my above question? Should I copy it over to the 666SII thread? My noobness is showin'. ::)
Good spot far as i’m concerned.
My $0.02US
If the remainder fit to your liking. Soak just the waist and put em on while “damp”. Should assist with relaxing the waist.
Another option is just wear em. They should stretch as a stress point.
Ahhhhh yes… that's a good idea. Would definitely save me having to hang out in fully wet pants, haha. I might have to abandon my ridiculous plan and use your much more rational one
. Thank you!
^ like: what is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow!?!
^ like: what is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow!?!
€uropean or African?..
::reaches for coconut::
Ok, fellers, I sized up on my last 2 UHF purchases to an xl. Tonight i'm planning on washing one of them to try and get some shrink out of it. Any advice? I was thinking of doing a warm wash/hang dry first with some woolite dark to see what results I get. Or should I do a hot wash/hang dry instead?
If it just says warm or hot on your machine I’d certainly do a warm one first. If you can dial in temps then I’d say do a 50C wash and see how things fit, then up it to 60C if you need more. Fully support the hang dry although a tumble dry will get you more shrinkage.
The washing machine only gives me the options of cold/warm/hot. Thanks though. I think a warm wash is a safe bet
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Yea I’m not sure what sort of laundry future these Europe folks live in but all I’ve ever seen is: hot/warm/cold and: beat to shit/almost no motion.
Obviously not all our tax bill goes on evils like healthcare, education and maternity leave. Some of it must go on good old R & D for washing machines. My machine can be set from 30-90C in increments of 10C and from 400rpm to 1600rpm in increments of 100. It makes a super dry martini to order, speaks Hindi and sings that vocal solo from «Great Gig In The Sky» too.
Obviously not all our tax bill goes on evils like healthcare, education and maternity leave. Some of it must go on good old R & D for washing machines. My machine can be set from 30-90C in increments of 10C and from 400rpm to 1600rpm in increments of 100. It makes a super dry martini to order, speaks Hindi and sings that vocal solo from «Great Gig In The Sky» too.
well shit…who needs a wife when you have one of those?!
Yea I’m not sure what sort of laundry future these Europe folks live in but all I’ve ever seen is: hot/warm/cold and: beat to shit/almost no motion.
Exactly. Glad I'm not the only one who's been thinking this