Photograph and Camera talk
A few snaps from the ol' portfolio.
Fushimi Inari Taisha, Kyoto
Summit of Mount Misen, Miyajima
Tsukiji, Tokyo
Somewhere, Japan
Devil's Pass, Maah Daah Hey, North Dakota
Sweet Grass Hills, Montana–Viewed from Canada
@f12 some brilliant bike shots
Just came across this thread so thought I'd share some pics of some recent work. I've gone back to do some shoot on film, mainly playing about with double exposures.
@f12 some brilliant bike shots
Just came across this thread so thought I'd share some pics of some recent work. I've gone back to do some shoot on film, mainly playing about with double exposures.
Thanks man !! And loving the photos, especially the last. That’s so rad that you’re shooting film, which body are you shooting on ? (Love nerding out on film lol)
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Cheers guys. For night work my current favourite film is cinestill 800T. The only film body I own that has multi exposure capability is the Canon Elan 7e (happened to be my first camera). Shooting doubles on film is a bit of a guessing game but as long as you take into account accumulative exposures you should be good to go!
I also use an M6, and wish it could shoot multiple exposures!
some of my double exposures. shot on velvia 100 xpro and ilford hp5 with Lomo LCA+
I got a digital camera for Christmas. It has an adjustable lens and is 16 MP. But it only does 720p video. So I was wondering, is a digital camera with a mirror better, and are there any SLR cameras that also take video? That aren't a fortune?
I got a digital camera for Christmas. It has an adjustable lens and is 16 MP. But it only does 720p video. So I was wondering, is a digital camera with a mirror better, and are there any SLR cameras that also take video? That aren't a fortune?
A lot of people feel that mirror-based SLRs are passing away. Nikon and Canon still use the mirrors in the majority of their cameras but the mirror can be loud and as with any mechanical component, can fail. Sony is the front-runner of the mirrorless tech. Their A7 line of cameras have wonderful user interfaces and taking amazing pictures.
"Fortune" is so subjective, especially considering how much we pay for jeans LOL, but if you wanted to get 4K video on a ~$1500 budget, I would recommend you check out some of the Panasonic offerings (DC-GX9). Panasonic and Olympus (OM-D E-M10, E-M1) have some really solid options in that price range, and you get 5 axis in-body image stabilization on these. Sure, they're not full frame (they're micro 4/3s) but you'll get good footage, just not as great low light performance as you would from the Sonys.
@Paul9221 thanks for such a detailed answer! I think I am gonna go with this, it is cheap enough, has a couple of lenses and does what I want.
Heya @Filthy no worries! I used to follow this stuff a lot more closely but I've kinda fallen out of it.
That kit isn't a bad kit, you'll have a lot of potential to learn about taking pictures. I started with the similar Canon Digital Rebel 15 years ago. There may be better options, but for the price, you'll get a lot out of that kit. If you wanted to stay in the Canon camp and go mirrorless, you could look at the Canon EOS M100.
Go dig through DPReview's website, has invaluable information presented in a very friendly manner! us know what you pick, I love helping people spend their money!