Random questions to which you seek an answer
Thanks. Problem is it varies by designer and cut in my experience (arm hole height, etc).
I'm curious to hear what others use for a general rule?
I saw you posted in waywt, what is the p2p on that jacket and what's your chest measurement?
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I saw you posted in waywt, what is the p2p on that jacket and what's your chest measurement?
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The p2p on my jacket is about 22” and my chest is around 39-40”. I typically only wear tops in the 22” to 22.5” range.
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Problem is it varies by designer and cut in my experience (arm hole height, etc).
I’m not sure that knowing your chest measurement and using it as a bench mark will really solve that issue if there is a meaningful difference in armhole height that affects where the jacket sits.
Your chest measurement is a fixed line measurement on your body whereas the line of the ptp is decided by the same the same variable you find problematic, namely the height of the confluence of the armpit seams. So your body stays the same but the ptp is going to move over or under that line depending on cut.
What you’re struggling with is the differences in cut and design and the issue extends to shoulders, body length and a the horizontal tapering throughout the body. At some point then trying things on is the only true way of seeing if you like the fit of something.
Thanks neph.
That's the struggle with buying over the internet. It's a challenge to try on and a pita to return, etc. Not the end of the world to return things, just annoying, so getting it right from the get go helps. I think essentially I'm always debating between only two sizes: smaller and a larger one. Just curious to see which way other people here lean towards, the tighter or looser option.
What size do you generally shop in tops and what how much greater is the p2p than you chest measurement?
I've read some people say that you go 1" greater than your measurements, some say at least 2 or 3… Just trying to get a sense of how more experienced shopper choose.
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If you go here:
You will see how to access the sizing information of all the website "models"
What size do you generally shop in tops and what how much greater is the p2p than you chest measurement?
I've no idea what my actual chest measurement is
I'm generally an XL in shirts, an L in hoodies and I have jackets from IH ranging from L to XXL.
IHUK do a wonderful job of giving us all kinds of useful information, including access to this forum and the knowledge that represents, and people still get it wrong. That might be because people interpret the data badly, overthink things (guilty as charged) or just don't do the research.
But sometimes it is because a Type III made by Levi's and bought on the high street and a Type III made by IH are cut and sewn differently, made of different materials etc, etc, and will fit differently as a result. They can have the same measurements as each other and still be different.
I think the key word you use here is "experience". You'd imagine that the simplest of garments, a tee shirt, would be easy to size. When I ordered my first IH tee's about five years ago I measured three or four of my favourite tees worked out an aggregate and went from there. The IH tee's I ordered based on that were too big. In fact I ended up sizing down from XL to M. It was because of the way they're cut and the relationships between arm length, body length, shoulder width etc. They just weren't the same. I learned this through experience.
Some people can order based on what Giles wears, some people need to watch the ptp, others need to use all the measurements. Others still extrapolate from what they own. The pressure is on becasue returning is a pain in the ass, the garments are premium quality, with a price tag to match and we're usually ordering online, but the only thing to do is to do the research, use the data, ask the questions then cross your fingers.
Can I ask what you are specifically looking at and whether you own any IH tops from before?
Thanks neph.
That's the conclusion I am reaching (it's not that simple and it is at the same time)….
Right now, I am upgrading trucker jackets. As odd is this may sound, I am new to buying my own clothes in the sense that I actually care about the details of fit and product now. I am a former teacher (administrator now), so on meager pay and big loans, I shopped the bargain bins at discount stores and I really didn't give much thought about how clothes fit. I relied on my wife and previous girlfriends to steer me in the right direction...
Becoming an administrator and having to wear tailored clothing taught me about the importance and variability of "fit". Now I am trying to build a casual wardrobe that fits and is made of fewer, but better quality garments. I mean I am a T shirt and denim guy at heart....
So, long winded response, but I am upgrading truckers at the moment. I have both the 9526PJ (large, purchased at a US retailer online) and the 9526J (medium, purchased second hand from this forum). The medium has a 21.3 or 42.6 chest and is tighter than the large with a 22.1 or 44.2 p2p. I'm a weird fit and size... I have long arms, short torso, short height, wider shoulders and chest... A mashup of most mediums and larges I see on the sight.. I have long thin legs too, so I try to wear short rise pants which throws relative/visual dimensions of my tops off too.
I am doing my research in the sense that I watch the jacket threads and WAYWT threads to visually see how people prefer to wear their tops and in this instance also ask about the numbers. I will also be doing aggregates on the "models'" numbers across items too. I also research and think way to much about these details....
I am just not quite sure about what would be too long or too tight? Which, as you noted, for some us takes time and experimenting. I love the return policy, which gives me confidence. I am just lazy about getting to the post office!
Thanks for your help and any future advice is always welcome. This place has been helpful and I am developing an affinity for this brand because of this community’s presence and support. It was helpful to hear your and other people's opinions when I posted a fit check because I was use to traditional truckers being shorter than the modifieds, which felt uncomfortably long at first, and I am getting used to.
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So, long winded response, but I am upgrading truckers at the moment. I have both the 9526PJ (large, purchased at a US retailer online) and the 9526J (medium, purchased second hand from this forum). The medium has a 21.3 or 42.6 chest and is tighter than the large with a 22.1 or 44.2 p2p. I'm a weird fit and size… I have long arms, short torso, short height, wider shoulders and chest... A mashup of most mediums and larges I see on the sight.. I have long thin legs too, so try to wear short rise pants which throws relative/visual dimensions of my tops off too.
I am doing my research in the sense that I watch the jacket threads and WAYWT threads to visually see how people prefer to wear their tops and in this instance also about the numbers. I will also be doing aggregates on the "models'" numbers across items too. I also research and think way to much about these details....
I am just not quite sure about what would be too long or too tight? Which, as you noted, for some of take time and experimenting. I love the return policy, which gives me confidence. I am just lazy about getting to the post office!
My experience has been that proper fit is determined by your own measurements but also how you intend to wear a garment. Most of the time I wear my trucker jackets with a flannel shirt underneath. IH's UHF's are quite thick, therefore it gives me a snug fit but not to the point where it's too tight. I also have the ihm-20 (overdyed M65) which fits snug but I can't wear a flannel underneath, so I'm limited to thin layers such as a t-shirt or henley. However, the M65 has a thicker construction than my type III's so I don't really need heavy layering.
I have an average build and fluctuate anywhere between a medium, large and xl with IH tops. Most of my UHF's are large but I do own a couple of xl's. Both of my truckers are xl but my ihm-20 is a medium. Sizewise i'd say i'm between @Sam and @Giles. I own a couple of Pure Blue Japan type II's that have a 21.5" p2p that barely get worn, if at all. I can wear them with a t-shirt but not with flannels.
To further add about what is considered too long or tight, if the garment in question restricts movement then it's too tight (would be the obvious answer). Length is a personal preference and I for one am a huge fan of the extra length on IH's type III's.
^I sure hope so!
And I hope the answer we get is: Is the Pope catholic?