The 888 Fatboy Chocolate World Tour
Thanks everyone!
It was a pretty normal week, but we had some fun! Here are some highlights:
Visited a New Property we are posting soon:
Wife and I made some tasty eats:
World tour jean shots:
Had a nice watch sized:
Some great beverages:
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Highlight of the weekend was catching up on some much needed outdoors time with the kids:
Walked to one of the parks by our house:
We also took the kids to their first Movie Theater experience:
Yesterday we went to the beach for our day sandy day of the year:
Hope everyone is having a great start to their week!
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Great stuff bro.
Last week has been great with the WTJ [emoji1690][emoji1690]
My daughter is getting to be that age… [emoji38]
While I have a 65 minute commute to work each day, the new wheels are making it more enjoyable for sure:
My dog does this by herself…
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Ok crew - I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my second go around with these puppies, but I start a new job in a little over a week, and don’t think these will get much wear as I begin my move to Florida.
If someone wants a stab (or another one) let me know and I can shop quick!
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I'll take these for a ride on my horses and a lot more in MN, USA. let me know and i'll give you the details on where to ship them to.
Heck yeah! We have a new taker!
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Hell yeah!!!!
This entire Iron Heart community is uplifting. I haven't had contact with a single member or IHUK employee that didn't act with genuine class.
I'm humbled to be a part of this tour.
I've got big shoes to fill from all the fun adventures these have been on, but I have a few tricks up my sleeve.
Great leg Adam! Always love your content!
Looking forward to whatever Jeff has in store
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The world tour jeans have arrived in Minnesota!!!! Im humbled to be included. I’m slightly embarrassed to admit that this is the first time I’ve had IH jeans on. I own a vest that I over share photos of and a few other IH shirts. I can’t believe the quality and feel of these.
Plenty of photos to come. I hope to provide some entertaining content over the next month.
Looking good! [emoji41][emoji41][emoji41]
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This is my lovely wife who will be helping me blog for the month.
Went for a little walk tonight. (Every night actually)
I'm a chef by trade, and my wife and I spend a ton of time in the kitchen. It should be the focal point of everyone's home.
I play a crap load of billiards, especially during the winter in leagues and tournaments. I have my own table and I play for hours and hours in my free time. Cameo from Tacocat who is often watching birds eat seeds from below our deck.
First full day with the WTJ's. Rocking the G-Shock MTG, 25 oz. vest, American Giant hoodie, Carhartt WIP hat, and some Varvatos leather sneakers. Damn Dog Under Gear bag (New Orleans ,LA design)
More to come, and feel free to suggest things I should be doing on the world tour.
Nice job man, those things are starting to get nicely worn in
what he said. hello mega
Hello Marty, how’s it hanging?
Hello Marty, how’s it hanging?
Not as much as my wife would like, but respectable
Hope you’re well my friend