Picking up a 75 Honda CB 500 this week. All it needs is the points set, some brake fluid and gasoline! Pretty damn excited, as it will be my first bike.
nice left!
Like that IH stitching on the 21oz bike seat
Customer turned up on this this morning. This is especially for Triple Terror:
Someone else with immense good taste, is he a member, I needs to PM him !
TT -
Okay, not sure if this thread means motorcycles too but I'm going to throw this out here and if anyone has
any feedback please chime in…On Sunday I'm getting a 1953 ( give or take a year ) AJS 350cc from a old friend for $300.00USD. It's been sitting
in her garage for 20+ years and belonged to her uncle who bought it back in the 70's from someone in
England. Does anyone know if they make parts for this bike anymore or if it's even worth trying to rebuild?
Good investment? Coffee table? Or pig in a poke...Caller, you're on the air...
A complete heap of shit. But I'll take it off your hands if you like
Seriously, what a great buy. I'd definitely try and get it sorted if I was you. I can help with parts if you like: