The tapes are the only tranformers that I still have around somewhere. The panther and the bird of prey were my absolute favorites. I'll have to see if I can dig those up. My parents are in the process of downsizing and moving after 40+ years in the same house, so there's been a lot of stuff to sift through from my childhood. I will try to post up some pics of the epic lego project that's been going on their house. My mom decided that it was a great procrastination tool to avoid packing, to separate and sort all the huge boxes of legos from our collection and put together the sets for my nieces to play with.
@louisbosco there are some pretty cool curved sabers that have been made. I was always more into the custom jobs than the movie replicas, but go poke around on the fx-sabers or the custom saber shop forums if you want an idea of what's out there. If you want something for the shelf, or a wall-hanger, curved hilts look wicked, but they're really hard to actually swing around and duel with.
@sabergirl if you can find them I'll trade you something cool for them. winky face
Lookie what I got ahold of today!
He's super awesome and the crown jewel of my collection.
@Graeme check these out!
I like the Necronomicon, Henrietta, and possessed hand he came with too.
Yeah I've seen that before. I love that movie. I might watch it again tonight.
Source material
Toys, Statues, Video game consoles, I collect it all!
Recent haul from a trip back home. One of my best friends hooked it up!
Also just picked up this Thailand exclusive Astro Boy popcorn bucket. hahaha. I LOVE Atom (Astro)
@tody he's my favorite. Planning a tattoo as soon as I can land on a free space (running out of run).
The scarf is a DFB scarf from 2018. My mum is German, and the US sucks at football, so I've always supported Germany in international comps. One of my coworkers was in Germany while the world cup was going on, and picked me up a scarf!
I think I'll be switching to supporting the US going forward though. My son just started playing (he's 4), and has such a small connection to Germany that I think supporting our home country makes more sense
@choco I assume you’re picking up a pair of these to wear with your 21oz denim?
My toy/ornament corner.
The skull Mickey is my favourite (Dave Flores Deathshead Mickey) as it reminds me of my time working for Disney (and how much I hated it)
The Reaper is an incense chamber from Neighborhoods, it reads 'Death Is The Great Equalizer' on the back and serves as a daily reminder that this life can be taken away in the blink of an eye.
Couple of Funkos I've been gifted in the past based on my interests, and the ducks were passed in to me when my grandma passed away as they are my favourite animal, she made it very clear in her will she wanted them to go to me haha.
Love Astro, but HATE these things -
@tody I'm not exactly sure tbh! My Grandmother was the first generation to come over to the US when the writing was on the walls in the late 1930's. Her mother passed before my mum was born though, and she is who would have been able to give us any info. Apparently they didn't give much information to my grandmother or her siblings as German immigrants were trying to fully assimilate and be as "murican" as possible due due to the war. My great grandmother is the last generation that even spoke the language
A friend got me into these Monsters. Was resistant, but Labubu won out.