Random Love (anti-rants)
Kevin, thanks for posting again and letting us know about how the day went. Just to echo what @Madame Buttonfly wrote earlier, it is a fine thing that you feel able to share your grief here at this terrible time. I hope it gives you something.You may or may not be a fan of Nick Cave. You may or may not know that he lost his 16 year old son in an accident a few years ago. At https://www.theredhandfiles.com he fields questions on all sorts of topics but some of them are about grief and loss, and specifically about his reaction to the death of his son and the process of grieving that event. Regardless of the topic, he always writes with warmth, love, honesty, humour and humanity. There may be some solace in his words for you too.
Take care
Man, it's such a heartbreaking Story. I really find it hard to find some words of solace. I hope your daughter helps you to continue with everyday life and the whole family will certainly support you.I hope that the example of my sister shows that there are ways to somehow cope with it without letting it tear you apart nor forget about what happened.
I am so sorry. This is absolutely devastating and very relatable. My wife and I have experienced a similar loss. While not as far along, my wife did have a miscarriage which left both of us heartbroken. It took us quite some time for my wife to successfully get pregnant (a serious stressor on a marriage) only to have the positive pregnancy ripped from us months later. It is far and away the worst experience of my life and something I wish upon no one.
Stay close to your wife. Be sad together. Cry together. Talk to each other. And if necessary seek therapy together (this is unbelievably healthy and helpful).
I'm more than happy to discuss further through DM if needed.
Wishing nothing but the best for you and your family.
@neph93 Thanks I will look that up.
@Max Power Yes my daughter helps us a lot to go on with everyday life and such. She has such a simple childish way of dealing with it, it's great. One minute she's crying because of her sister and five seconds later she's laughing while playing with her toys. Not that easy for us, but sometimes I wish I could handle it as she does. I'm trying to go on with everyday life and playing with her like we did before it happened and I guess it works well at the moment. Today I went swimming with her. It was great, but… a lot of baby's there. But I want to confront myself with that, and I'm thinking about it a lot because I don't want to distract myself from what happened. I guess that's the only way to really get over it. I could bury myself in work or something , but I think that it would come back heavier one day then. It's a struggle between everyday life and confronting yourself as much as you can with what happened.
Time heals all wounds I guess.@BloodnThunder I'm sorry for you too and thanks for your offer. Yes, I hope we get all over it together. I hope you got over it together too. We're a good team and we've been together since 12 years now, back then we were 17yo. We talk about it everyday honestly , and we are writing it down everyday. We talked about therapy but at the moment we both think we won't need it. Maybe we want to meet with other parents who went through this tell too, there are groups near us.
Wishing you all the best,
Kevin -
In anticipation of a major house-full over the 10 year anny party weekend, @Madame Buttonfly is making me go through stuff and do a major clean-up. I found this in one of my bedroom drawers, it brought a tear to my eye. Paula reckons it's from when @Alex was about 7 or 8. Given that his hand-writing has not improved much since then, it could have been from last year…
Lest I forget.. Thank you to @Graham for the unbelievable customer service over the WEEKEND… answering all
My pestering questions. You da man. -
I asked @Kurt-faith to see if he could get me one of these. Made in Taiwan, monster drag reel (it pulls 32kg). He got the first one ever made and then gave it me as a birthday present. I will be having a severe chat with him later today, I can't ask him for a favour and then have him doing that…....Mind you, @Madame Buttonfly admitted this morning that she had not got me anything, so maybe she can buy it off Kurt….
That’s a beauty.
Madagascar in January…......
Lovely. Giles have you ever used or heard of a Van Staal?? Your reel an mine seem similar.
This is the Bail-Less version 150 size -
pinks your colour G.
@Matty123 Yes I have. I have no first-hand experience, but have heard that since they were bought out by Zebco, quality suffered,
This is mine…..
Yeah I heard the same thing but my reel is bombproof.