What's your favorite Beer?
Where did you score the 3F (and how much was it)???
3 Fonteinen Oude Geuze Vintage is a blend of one-, two-, and three-year old lambics. Instead of releasing them after minimum 6 months of bottle conditioning, the vintage series have been cellared for at least three years up to even five years and longer before being released. For an Oude Geuze to become a Vintage, it features characteristics that are unique, sometimes surprising or outspoken. Spontaneous fermentation, patient maturation in oak barrels, and continued evolution of the ecosystem in the bottle result in a distinctively complex and elegant natural beer. No two bottlings are alike, as there are multiple variables in the blending process, a variety of barrel sizes and shapes, differences in aged lambic proportions in the blend, etc. When cellared properly, 3 Fonteinen Oude Geuze can be aged for several decades. The aromas and flavours will evolve from notes of vibrant fresh citrus, zesty and grassy notes to a mellow, oaky, stone fruit bouquet as the lambic continues to develop with time. Lambic and Geuze are living, cultural heritage rooted in the Zenne valley!
Where did you score the 3F (and how much was it)???
Thanks for the deets. I’ve become cynical and often suspect that brewers and distillers sometimes through a load of old substandard shite together and sell it as “vintage”, or special edition. I only had to take a sip to realise that wasn’t the case. Surprisingly dark, sweeter and rounder than the standard issue, mature apples and a more subdued oak. Very good.
They have another 14 bottles left at the local beer-centric wine monopoly where I bought this, but they are 20€ a pop.
Some of my fav’s from 2019
Good looking hops there.
Drinking one of my favorites tonight. Bissell Brothers Swish -
^very nice
I hear Bissel Bro’s is top shelf!
True Brewing
West Coast Pale AleSent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
This one is delicious. Could prob drink it every night.
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CW continues to impress me. They just released a salted maple stout that looks good
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I picked some up, today. I'm with @Seul, about Central Waters, though. Their base beers leave something to be desired. I've tried a number of them, and they just don't do it for me. Their ales, APAs, and IPAs are fairly pedestrian. The Mud Puppy Porter is quite uninspiring, as well. I grabbed the Rye Barrel Chocolate Porter, and while, I liked it a little bit more than Eli, his critique did not surprise me, in the least. No amount of barrel aging will cover up the lack of inspiration.
My main attraction to the brand has always been for the BA offerings, especially the stouts. Their stout base, while by no means the best, is decent, and their BBA program has produced some pretty good beers. That is what I'll be sticking to.
P.S. You may want to avoid the Rum Barrel Aged Coconut Porter, if you happen upon it. Whether it's the rum, or the porter, or both, I was immediately turned off by it.
Scooter- It must be Stout season. Nice pick ups. I haven’t had any of the Baptist beers with adjuncts. Let us know your thoughts.
Seul- I enjoyed this years CBS. Maybe it was the novelty of the 12oz bottles. Why was it meh for you?IPA tonight