The Evolution of Iron Heart
Iht-2011 Black after almost nine years. This used to be @Seul’s. I’ve easily washed this more than 100 times. This is the reason Iron Heart tees are the benchmark for heavy duty tees. Look how crisp the neckline remains (and the 1600 and 1610 necklines are even better). It started out black but turns this intriguing brown hue over time. Truly exquisite evolution
192 days
Will give them their next wash soon as they need a crotch fix…Looking great @don_pipone
This shirt is almost like a “tea-core” tee. I love how it’s faded and wish I would’ve bought more of them when I had the chance.
Loving all this well loved gear. Nice work!
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Looks amazing
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Ridiculously good! Look at that hemline, gorgeous!
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Aside from the fact that the shirt is as cool of a faded version of an IH shirt that you’ll ever see. You have to know that I just love your sense of perspective and the way you set up/compose your shots. My question @adam313 is are those the snaps that came with that shirt?
¡Gracias! gentlemen @veloaudio @Anesthetist @Jett129!
These are indeed the original snaps. Heavy duty and hard wearing. I think they’ve aged admirably